The Iranian regime arrests Naz Rekabi, the athlete who participated in a competition without a headscarf: He will send her to prison

The Iranian regime arrests Naz Rekabi, the athlete who participated in a competition without a headscarf: He will send her to prison
Iranian runner Elnaz Ragabi defied the regime and participated without a headscarf in the Asian climbing competitions.

Nazi RakabiThe climber who participated yesterday in the Asian Championships in South Korea no hijabAnd the It was revealed that he is being held by the Iranian regime and will be transferred directly to Evin Prison from the airport Iran Wire.

pray my seedthe head of the Iranian Climbing Federation allegedly tricked her into entering the Iranian embassy building in Seoul after receiving orders from Muhammed KhosraffafaA source said that the head of the Iranian Olympic Committee, who in turn was to receive orders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Iran Wire.

A source said, “Elnaz made the decision to appear without a hijab about a month ago and knew that she would compete without the mandatory hijab.” Iran Wire. She also did not seek asylum because her husband is in Iran and wanted to return after the competition.. You always make such bold decisions. The team was supposed to return to Iran, but suddenly they changed their plans.”

Zari, who was previously a member of the Ministry of Information, promised the athlete that if she gave him her passport and mobile phone, he would take her to Iran quickly, without risk and without advertising.

Evin Prison in Tehran (West Asia News Agency via Reuters)
Evin Prison in Tehran (West Asia News Agency via Reuters)

. sources Iran Wire At Imam Khomeini International Airport, they said that the Nazis would be transferred directly from the airport to Evin Prison.

Hours ago, it was reported It was missing And that they were unable to contact her, according to a source who told BBC.

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The source said that Al-Riyadi’s friends defied the Iranian regime They haven’t been able to contact her since last night. The BBC He called the hotel where the Iranian team was staying and learned that the team members had left the hotel.

source said BBC Persian He said, “The members of the Iranian team left Seoul for Iran, and Al-Naz Rakabi was with other members of the Iranian team.”

In the midst of the sharp protests in Iran since last September 16, my stirrup I decided to represent Iran in the finals of the Asian climbing competitions in Seoul no hijab

With this decision, my passengers stick restrictions Islamic Republic for mathematics.

Nazi Rakabi
Nazi Rakabi

Wearing the hijab has been compulsory for Iranian women since 1983, shortly after the revolution led by the ayatollah. Ruhollah Khomeini In 1979, who declared that without this dress a woman would be “naked”.

According to the Iranian Penal Code, Women who do not hide in public face prison sentences and fines.

Iranian girl Mahsa Amini passed away on September 16. As a result of her heart attack and coma, she was in a police station, where she was detained by the morality police For not wearing the hijab wellThe media reported from the Persian country.

The reformist daily said in a brief report that “Mahasa Amini, who fell into a coma after being held by a morality patrol, has died.” Approvalwho cited the young woman’s uncle as a source.

Since then, it has been launched A wave of protests against restrictions imposed on women’s liberties in that country.

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Aygen Marsh

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