The Maduro dictatorship has confirmed the arrest of Venezuelan activist Rocio San Miguel

The Maduro dictatorship has confirmed the arrest of Venezuelan activist Rocio San Miguel
Human rights activist and defender, Rocío San Miguel, was arrested by the Maduro dictatorship (EFE/Jeffrey Arguedas)

Hours after learning of the arrest of the Venezuelan activist Rocio San Miguelhead of the NGO Citizens Watch, this Sunday the chief prosecutor of the Chavez dictatorship, Tariq William SaabIt confirmed this information and indicated that the human rights defender was arrested in connection with an alleged connection to a conspiracy that included a plan to assassinate Nicolas Maduro.

The confirmation of the arrest comes two days after the lawyer was also arrested, according to various NGOs and opposition political parties. At Maiquetia International Airport – which serves Caracas – where he planned a trip with his daughter.

On the social network White braceletIts goal was to attack the life of President Nicolas Maduro and other senior officials.

“The White Bracelet,” Saab said in January, is the latest of five plots that authorities have unraveled since May last year. More than thirty people were arrested, including civilians and soldiers. Venezuelan Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, also reported the expulsion of more than 30 soldiers of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, implicated in these plots, which included an alleged assassination attempt on Nicolas Maduro.

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Likewise, the dictatorship's chief prosecutor said on Sunday that the plan also included “an attack on several military units in San Cristóbal (Táchira State) and other entities in the country.”

Tariq William Saab, Prosecutor General of the Venezuelan Dictatorship (Europa Press/Contact/Efe/Cristian Hernández)

He stressed that investigations “are continuing their course by collecting evidence from people related to these serious events inside and outside the country.”

This event sparked strong condemnation at the national and international levels.

Amnesty International (Amnesty International) This Sunday, he demanded the “immediate and unconditional” freedom of the activist He asked for his rights to be respected and for a “precautionary measure of protection issued in his favor” by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in 2012, as well as “contact with lawyers and family members.”

Several Venezuelan NGOs reported that San Miguel's family has not known his whereabouts since his arrest last Friday.

The activist had reported this month that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDC) had asked the Venezuelan state to submit, “by May 6 at the latest,” a report on compliance with the 2018 ruling in favor of her and two of her relatives. Others, due to their removal from public office in 2004, after signing the call for a referendum on the removal of then-President Hugo Chavez.

Information about his arrest was provided on Saturday by the organization Provea. “Rocío San Miguel has been a victim of harassment, persecution and discrimination by the Venezuelan state. His arrest constitutes an extremely serious event that highlights the gradual closing of civic space and the efforts of those who rule to suppress critical voices.

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the organization Justice, encounter and forgiveness He also spoke about the arbitrary arrest of San Miguel, and noted that “those close to the activist reported that they did not know her whereabouts more than 24 hours after the arrest occurred.”

For his part, the opposition leader's party said Maria Corina MachadoViente Venezuela stressed that with this action, “the regime continues to attack civil society as part of a systematic pattern of human rights violations.”

(With information from EFE)

Aygen Marsh

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