The Mexican daughter that only Gabriel Garcia Marquez knows so far

The Mexican daughter that only Gabriel Garcia Marquez knows so far
Gabriel Garcia Marquez with his family.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez with his family.

this sunday, In a text from El Universal newspaper in Cartagena, it was learned that Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez gave birth to a daughter in Mexico from journalist Susana Cato. This information was given by Gabriel García Márquez’s biographer, Dassault Saldivar and confirmed by journalist Gustavo Tatis in the aforementioned medium.

According to Tates, the writer of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” will be the natural father of Indira Cato, who is of Mexican descent and who is currently working as a director. It was possible to confirm the news with some relatives of the Colombian author and with his close friend and author of Gabo + 8, Guillermo Angulo. According to him, García Márquez gave a house and a car to his daughter who lives in Mexico.

As reported by El Universal, Indira Kato, I took this name in honor of the former Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, who was the first person to call García Márquez to congratulate him on receiving the 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature.

What is more, In the mentioned article, it was confirmed that he decided to take the nickname of his mother, Susanna, with whom García Márquez wrote the script for the movie “You Don’t Play With Love”. In addition, journalist Susana Cato has written for indigenous Mexican radio programs, short stories, theater for television, and multimedia projects.

Also, between 1979 and 1980, she worked as a film critic for Proceso magazine and as a reporter. In addition, she was the founder and director of the Blanquito Theatre, which was a touring art project that toured the streets of Mexico. Among his theatrical works, the film El madicomio de Fuera (2016) by Noé Lynn stands out. In 2000 she was the Director of Culture for the Coyoacan delegation.

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on your side, Indira Cato studied Dramatic Literature and Theater at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM. It is known that García Márquez’s daughter has been a producer of the documentary ‘Take my love’ since 2014, and a director of the short film ‘How great you, magazo! ”, from 2019, whose text was written by Um.

It must be borne in mind that although Tatis had known the news for several years, the journalist had waited until today to tell him, from Cartagena, of the knowledge of the García Márquez family.

“It’s too big news to give out of the office. He was afraid that the secret would be revealed as a scandal among the world’s group of journalists. But we agreed that it had to be well absorbed and told, with great respect from the start.” The secret fell on my shoulder, while García Márquez’s two biographers wondered who he would tell me. Fingers were pointed at me.

He added that: “I confirmed the news with some of García Márquez’s relatives, with Dassault Saldivar himself and with Guillermo Angolo, who kept the secret for years, and many of them, out of respect for Mercedes Barcha and loyalty to Gabo, did not dare to mention the secret, let alone their children.

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Muhammad Bourn

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