The Ministry of Health confirmed the arrival of 126,360 new doses of Pfizer vaccines

The Ministry of Health confirmed the arrival of 126,360 new doses of Pfizer vaccines

The National Health Bag announced the arrival of new vaccines from Pfizer at noon Wednesday, October 6, a batch of 126,360 doses added to the total number of 52.52 million vaccines in the national territory.

The ministry has not yet confirmed whether these biopharmaceuticals will target the first, second or third doses, or whether they will be intended for a specific population group. Therefore, we are waiting for a new distribution decision in which these details and destination circles are determined.

This Wednesday, Colombia received a new batch of vaccines from Pfizer consisting of 126,360 doses. Thus, the country has completed 52,521,994 doses in the territory, with which we continue to move forward with the national vaccination plan.

– MinSaludCol (MinSaludCol) October 6, 2021

The last doses that arrived were from AstraZeneca, which landed on Tuesday October 5, which is a good indication of the frequency of vaccine arrivals, in a month when a new peak may occur.

With a cut until last Monday, October 4th, A total of 41.52 million vaccines have already been applied Against Covid-19, the regions that have led to vaccination are Bogota, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Cundinamarca and Santander 1.99.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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