The MLB and the association will meet on Thursday

The MLB and the association will meet on Thursday

The Major League Baseball and MLB Players’ Association will hold a bargaining session on Thursday and take up talks (via zoom) in an effort to move towards a labor agreement.

MLB – which provoked the crowd – hopes to present a new plan on economic and competitive issues that will address players’ concerns. This is the first such meeting between the two sides since the strike began on December 2.

The two sides met a few weeks after the strike to discuss other issues, but no economic issues were discussed.

On December 1, the MLB presented a proposal that the union had rejected, leaving the schedule for the start of the strike, which began early the next morning. The league has been making various plans leading to a deal, according to a source based on offers already placed on the table.

Among them are the draft lottery, which will help to encourage the deliberate loss of the best seed in the amateur draft, eliminating the qualifying offer system, and raising the minimum wage for global designated hitters and junior players.

The Players’ Association is seeking higher material gains, including changes to the free agency, Super 2 qualification and revenue sharing.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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