The National Citizen Science Program Advisory Committee met for the first time

The National Citizen Science Program Advisory Committee met for the first time

On Wednesday, December 7, A.J The first working meeting of the advisory committee of the specialists of the National Program for Citizen SciencesIt depends on the National Directorate for Programs and Projects of the Undersecretariat for Institutional Evaluation in the Ministry.

The meeting was coordinated by the National Director of Programs and Projects, María Guillermina D’Onofrio, who highlighted the importance of the participation of the specialists who make up the Advisory Committee to exchange ideas and recommendations that improve and strengthen the actions that it intends to address the programme.

During the meeting, members of the commission worked with the technical team of the national program through a Participatory and experimental methodology The main challenges of local citizen science and strategies to address each of them during the first year of operation of the program, taking into account thematic themes such as the management and organization of projects and models of initiatives, the quality and validity of data in citizen science projects and the challenges that interaction with members of civil society poses to the scientific community, among others others.

At the end of the day, with the participation of the Undersecretary for Institutional Evaluation at the Ministry, Gabriela Dranovsky Objectives, functions, procedures and program work dynamicsand I solved Current lines of work and proposals for action Which are expected to be addressed during the 2023 year of the program in terms of strengthening programs and projects, mapping and monitoring programs and projects, developing and implementing tools for citizen science programs and projects, public communication, and training and studies on citizen science.

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Advisory Committee members

the Advisory Committee This is amazing It consists of 8 honorary members. Its mission is to provide expert advice and recommendations on conceptual and technical aspects related to the operation of the national programme, and to ensure the quality and appropriateness of its interventions. Likewise, you will be involved in the evaluation of candidate initiatives to integrate the National Register of Citizen Science Projects.

Diego Torres He is a computer scientist, professor and researcher at the National University of La Plata, coordinator of Cientópolis, member of RedGOSH for Open Research Programs and founding member of the Ibero-American Network for Participatory Science (RICAP).

Coach Joaquin He is a biologist, researcher at CONICET and the National University of La Plata, leader of several citizen science projects focused on vector-borne diseases, and founding member of the Ibero-American Network for Participatory Science (RICAP).

Marcelo Garcia He is an engineer, professor and researcher at CONICET and the National University of Córdoba, and leader of several citizen science projects with educational applications.

Maria Veronica Moreno She is a sociologist, Head of Mapping Solutions at UNDP Argentina, and the leader of Argentine citizen science collaborative mapping jointly implemented by MINCYT and UNDP.

Mariano Frisoli He is a sociologist, researcher at CONICET and the National University of San Martin in open and citizen sciences, specialist in participatory methodologies and consultant for Argentine citizen science projects.

Pia Marchegiani She is a lawyer, Director of Environmental Policy at Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, and member of the Argentine Joint Creative Social Science Project on Environmental Justice.

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Valeria Arza She is an economist and researcher at CONICET and the National University of San Martin in citizen sciences, a joint creative project leader in Argentine social citizen science and a member of the MINCYT Advisory Committee on Open and Citizen Science.

Victoria Wernkraut She is a biologist and researcher at CONICET and the National University of Kumahu, and leader of a contributing Argentine science project related to biodiversity conservation.

Izer Hector

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