“The only area that has an independent bloc is the Front Renovador de la Concordia,” said candidate for deputy Claudia Gauto.

“The only area that has an independent bloc is the Front Renovador de la Concordia,” said candidate for deputy Claudia Gauto.

A week before the legislative elections, Claudia Gautto, candidate for the position of national deputy of the Front for Renewal, visited MOL TV and addressed various issues; Among them are his career in public office and the main axes by which nominees for national legislators are judged, with his main aim being to present the provincial agenda to the nation.

During the interview, Gauteau noted that in the Concorde renewal front there is a large unit whose base is based on fighting for the interests of the missionaries before the nation.

He noted that “Carlitos Fernández, Fernando Meza and I enjoy a lot of recognition of the territory, and this status has become an added value to us as candidates when proposals, claims and proposals are presented in the National Congress.”

Along the same lines, he stated that the space for renewal has an eye on the needs of Mession outside the interests of the central authority.

“We have to review many structures, for a country that calls itself a federation but is largely unified,” Gautto said, referring to political spaces that are guided by the agenda of national political spaces.

In this sense, he added, “the only space that has an independent block is the Renovador de la Concordia”. “This allows you to vote in opposition and support those initiatives that benefit the Misiones County, because in majority blocs Misions’ needs are lost,” he said.

At the same time, he reiterated that other political spaces are governed by the needs indicated by the nation’s references, forgetting the struggle to implement projects that benefit Misiones.

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“We are independent and independent Renovadores and support the draft of all the authorities of the province,” he noted.

Claudia Gauto’s beginnings in politics

The 55-year-old lawyer, who has been a member of the Renovador Front since its inception in 2003, recalls being called by engineer Carlos Rovira to be part of the task force and from there she began her path into politics.

“I define myself as a woman in politics, an advocate for the family and have always worked in my profession,” said Gautto, who has held several positions in the public service and is currently the head of the Knowledge Park.

One of the most important added values ​​that the official mentioned is the path she is following, and in this sense she stated that she has great expectations to reach the National Conference, given that her “training, knowledge, values ​​and convictions” want her. Make it available to missionaries.

“The desire to be a national representative requires the integrity of the person (…) I have deep convictions and clear ideas of what I want for my district and what it needs, and what we need to build for our youth, for the environment and for work,” emphasized the official, who emphasized the importance of hearing Misions’ voice.

Finally, the national deputy candidate stated that her primary goal is to work so that all missionary families have health, education, work, and “rights that are fit for them.”

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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