The planting of 200 trees begins in the corridors area of ​​​​Samanes Park, with the support of several organizations | Society | Guayaquil

The planting of 200 trees begins in the corridors area of ​​​​Samanes Park, with the support of several organizations |  Society |  Guayaquil

After removing the bushes, adults and children were responsible for preparing the land with digging, planting the land and introducing young trees in the Samanes Park track area, in northern Guayaquil.

At that place, on the morning of Saturday the nineteenth of this day, the members of a group of ScoutsPark visitors and collaborators from a private company and the Sustainable Environment Organization participated in this dynamic to complete the planting of 20 trees as part of an environmental initiative.

Guayaquil added 4,000 trees this year and plans to double that number by 2022

Xavier Salgado, president of the environmental organization Sustainable Environment, pointed out that in the trail area an effort is being made to improve the spaces by planting different local trees and fruits to replace the weeds.

To do this, people who come to the park and educated members of private companies are involved in environmental issues. “The idea is to raise awareness, to participate in the park’s inherent needs for sustainable well-being and to help preserve and conserve it. Without a doubt, this is an area that removes all carbon dioxide from the city and turns it into pure oxygen,” commented the agroecology and sustainable development specialist.

Only in the Samanes Park Trail area, more planting days are expected to take place through April until the completion of 200 species of native trees such as laurel, cedar, guaiacan and other fruit trees, including guaja and soursop.

Until next April, 200 species are expected to be planted in the space of the tracks. Photo: the universe

In this Saturday’s activity, the first 20 species are planned to be identified.

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Aje Ecuador Group, a producer and marketer of beverages and foods, took part in the event with eleven collaborators, including Maria Isabel Meza, a human talent analyst. She highlighted that a volunteer group called Sentir was established several years ago, in line with the company’s own sustainability principles.

“We want to improve a space where citizens participate and make it a more sustainable place, which is not only a matter of helping the environment, but also of education because our volunteers learn,” he explained, adding that the organization essentially taught them knowledge about recycling in their homes, nurturing resources and cultivating species.

CAF study suggests increase in indigenous trees, permeable areas, and decrease in palm trees for Areca cacho species in Guayaquil.

In the future, according to Salgado, it is planned in conjunction with the private company to cooperate in the placement of signage in the boardwalk area and to provide certain tools for the nursery area in the same park.

Salgado, with the management of Samanes Park, noted that they are also working in coordination with the private company in the field of integrated pest control and management of the trees located in this recreational space. (me)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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