The R+D+i agency has received Ministers of Science and Technology from the provinces of Norte Grande

The R+D+i agency has received Ministers of Science and Technology from the provinces of Norte Grande

Representatives of the Science and Technology portfolios of the provincial bloc representing Norte Grande in the Science and Technology Pole met with the head of the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation, Fernando Pierano, to advance a common agenda in the development of science and technology for the region.

The R+D+i agency works with the provinces on institutional strengthening of provincial capacities, such as the establishment and consolidation of provincial agencies, through the Network of Provincial Promotion Organizations (OPP Network). This is implemented through a coordinated federal approach, which assumes a management methodology that privileges expression and multi-level coordination and contributes to federal policies implemented by the country’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation with COFECyT and CONICET.

Fernando Pierano opened the meeting stating that “from the political decision of the rulers to make science and technology one of the axes through which to build a development and investment program for Norte Grande, we have the responsibility to solve the effective aspects in order to achieve this challenge”.

According to data compiled by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, this region was the region with the highest investment in CyT during 2022. MINCyT’s investment in Norte Grande has grown by 621% since 2019. In 2020 it was 3% while in 2022 it is more than 15% compared to other regions, quintuple in two years.

In 2022, the R+D+I agency’s total investment in Norte Grande is $1.797 million pesos In 2023 funding calls are open: PICTO NOA 2023 Support, specific call with 7 universities from 6 NOA provinces to fund 50 projects worth 178 million dollar ; PICT grants, which annually award 1,500 projects; ANR co-financed with the provinces, and ANR for SMEs and cooperatives, through FONTAR.

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At the XVI Meeting of the Governors of the Regional Council of Great Northern Argentina
Within this framework, the co-conservatives agreed to create the Science and Technology Agency for Norte Grande, which will seek to promote science produced in the region and reduce asymmetry with others in the country. The leaders of the ten provinces and national ministers were present.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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