The space of nonviolence holds its first encounter in coexistence – Alvarado

The space of nonviolence holds its first encounter in coexistence – Alvarado

Located in the Carmelite monastery in Hues de Anero (Ribamuntan al Monte), the pillars of this project promoted by the Nonviolence Group in Cantabria are training, direct action, nonviolence, and the cultivation of spirituality.

In addition, the central issues in space are caring for the Earth (austerity in consumption, self-management, gardens, growth, ecology, animals, etc.) and the direct relationship with the most crushed people in society, and inviting people to live today. Sub-Saharan migrants are in complex situations.

Within the group’s work is the park in which they work on the ground in order to contribute to helping groups at risk of vulnerability.

50% of production is for people without resources, the other half is to support the space in which training is carried out, procedures are implemented, silence for peace is done and sub-Saharan migrants who are excluded from the regime are welcomed.

Collective modernity

The nonviolence group, which incorporates this initiative into its logic, is an open and pluralistic space where different realities born with the aim of promoting innovation converge, cooperate, cooperate and develop their work.

They try to be a network of people who are genuinely thinking about promoting a culture of nonviolence in our country always with a global perspective.

Some of the group’s recent actions in Cantabria were against financing the two arms of Santander Bank.

Because of the suspension of the manufacture and export of weapons from the MAXAM-EXPAL plant in Quintanilla de Sobresierra (Burgos) and the port of Santander at a distance separating the two sites in relays:

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For any questions, you can contact us at [email protected] or call or write to 672550647.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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