The United States fails to convene, and the Summit of the Americas falters

The United States fails to convene, and the Summit of the Americas falters

What was expected is a great initiative from the government Joe Biden In the foreign policy of the hemisphere, the Ninth Summit of the AmericasAs a diplomatic strategy, the ship could be wrecked due to errors in the call made by Washington, according to analysts consulted by DIARIO DE CUBA.

The White House, which had emphasized democracy as a priority in foreign policy, wanted to establish a general distance from the three dictatorships present in Latin america: Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. The announcement before the official invitations energized a left-wing solidarity front with several presidents who made their attendance at this summit conditional on the lack of restrictions on invitations from Washington.

The top of the americas It will take place in four weeks in Los Angeles. The White House insisted that its pro-democracy agenda should have a clear commitment in the Western Hemisphere to expose the lack of political freedoms in the three Latin American nations ruled by open authoritarianism.

“I think that the summit was based on bad calculations and was mismanaged. Rather than ensuring their participation first with the Allied countries, they started with an open public invitation to announce exclusion, before sending out an invitation or negotiating bilaterally,” said Andres Serpin, Head of Regional Coordinator for Economic and Social Research (CRIES), headquartered in Buenos Aires.

After consulting DIARIO DE CUBA, Serbin expects that even the strongest allies United States of America “They resent a paternalistic strategy and premise of this kind.” White House interest ‘aims at strengthening alliances in the Western Hemisphere’ United States of America“But with this strategic mistake in communication, the summit could lead to deepening rifts in the region.

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Added to this, according to various analysts, the lack of a clear policy for From the USA to Latin America And the Caribbean, a year and a half later Biden Sworn in as president.

Presidents of MexicoAndres Manuel Lopez Obrador), Bolivia (Louis Arce) and Honduras (Ximina Castro de Zelaya) questioned their presence in Los Angeles if there were exceptions in the invitations. The White House confirmed that the official invitations had not yet been issued.

Brian Nichols, Under Secretary of State for United States of America For the Western Hemisphere, he reiterated that Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela would not be invited to the meeting whose agenda is also unknown. Nichols confirms this in Ninth Summit of the Americas Topics of development, health, environment and migration will be discussed.

Alberto FernandezThe Argentine president also requested that there be no exceptions to the invitations, but he avoided putting pressure on Washington by threatening not to attend. I plan to go (to summit), but I ask the organizers the same thing that López Obrador asked them, that all countries Latin america‘ asserted the president.

Fernandez, who chairs Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)He publicly stated that non-democratic regimes in the region should not be isolated, and that the rest of the countries, on the contrary, should promote rapprochement.

Another difficulty is that Biden administration was not caring Jair Bolsonarothe current president of Brazil, who is focused on a campaign seeking re-election in elections scheduled for October.

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Bolsonaro, according to his relatives, could avoid the trip to Los Angeles, where he is focused on the campaign, as well as sending a signal of displeasure to the White House, but not because of the exclusion of dictatorships summit.

The Brazilian president at that time publicly campaigned for the re-election of Donald Trump, and after Biden’s accession to the presidency of the country, bilateral relations, which were also very close due to the personal sympathy that Bolsonaro and Trump lavished on each of them, cooled. else.

“This is amazing summit Doesn’t arouse much interest Latin americaand in the media focusing on the presence or absence of authoritarian regimes in Los Angeles,” political scientist Xavier Rodriguez Franco, MA in Latin American Studies from the University of Salamanca (Spain) and editor of the Portal Analysis podcast Latin America 21.

Rodríguez-Franco confirms that the space peaks of the americas It has been declining since it was conceived in the mid-1990s as a diplomatic meeting aimed at promoting free trade for the Western Hemisphere.

“They do not follow a strict cyclicality, and four years ago, when it was last held, it was already very lackluster due to the absence of President Trump. The eighth summit was held in Lima and there was already a lot of controversy because of the invitation to Nicolas MaduroThis is a political analyst.

The host government of Peru, through then-President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, rescinded the invitation to Maduro. Then Cuba was represented by the advisor to the Castro regime, Bruno Rodriguez, and Nicaragua did not send a delegation. Specifically in April 2018, while summit In Lima, in Nicaragua, a wave of protests broke out by citizens, which were suppressed by the regime Daniel Ortega s Rosario Murillo.

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Rodríguez-Franco adds that no major decisions can be expected from this meeting, and notes that the merger issue is stagnating in the region. “The momentum of the integrative push has run out, it is not part of the regional political agenda of Latin americaIt is also not on the diplomatic agenda of the major countries.”

It was preceded by the diplomatic chaos that Mexico and other countries seem to be betting on, with a White House that clearly has other priorities in its foreign policy and without a tradition of success in these diplomatic meeting venues, there is very little expectation about what can be done. Produce this meeting.

Aygen Marsh

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