These are the changes in Maduro's cabinet: Arreaza has been excluded

These are the changes in Maduro's cabinet: Arreaza has been excluded

On Saturday evening, Nicolas Maduro announced several changes in his ministerial government, within the framework of “the need to continue progress in strengthening the teams,” according to what he said on his networks.

But the changes do not represent a significant change in the aspects that accompany him in power. The most famous name excluded is Jorge Arreaza, who was the husband of one of Chavez's daughters and lost the Barinas gubernatorial election to one of his rivals.

Delys Alvarez

From now on, Delis Álvarez becomes the new Minister of Women and Gender Equality, “and with her experience she will re-promote and prioritize women's entrepreneurship and other important projects for social inclusion and empowerment. Let's go with the great mission of Venezuelan women!” books.

Guy Vernays

At the same time, he appointed Guy Vernays as the new Minister of Municipalities, “who has done an excellent job in the Council of the Federal Government. My thanks to Comrade Arreaza who has done an exceptional job in the communes, in the bases and in the catacombs of the city. He will now carry out important tasks to revitalize the Bolivarian Alternative for the peoples of Latin America and international missions.” Other special.

Luis Antonio Villegas Ramirez

Luis Antonio Villegas Ramírez takes over the Ministry of National Trade. “We will advance further in the recovery and revitalization of the economy. “Venezuela must be a strong country.”

The ripe 2024 faces a presidential election with popularity at historic lows for Chavismo.

See also  Further MAG changes: Pablo Anliker removed from the position of Deputy Minister and appointed María Lilian Pacas in his place

Aygen Marsh

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