They sign their commitment as health professionals of the future

They sign their commitment as health professionals of the future

new students in College of Medicine and Health Sciences (EMCS) del Tecnológico de Monterrey Commitment to belonging to a community The field of medicine and health sciences.

On August 7, a Academic Opening of Courses 2021 Nationally hailed the 2021 generation of EMCS racing in a hybrid fashion:

  • Surgeon
  • Dental surgeon
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Bachelor of Nutrition and Holistic Wellbeing
  • Bachelor’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology
  • Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences

Here the students wear the white poncho for the first time, a symbol that highlights the humanism of the professions they are about to belong to.

This ceremony is a symbol for the new students in the medical and health field, as they are from that moment You are part of the TecSalud community.

Academic Law EMCS 2021
Academic Opening for 2021 Western Region Sessions

They sign their commitment to society

Paulina Maria Yee, a medical surgery student, represented the newly admitted students, with the symbolic acceptance request.

Con esta petición las y los estudiantes se comprometen a respetar los principios de la práctica profesional en medicina y ciencias de la salud, de humanismo, profesionalismo, ética y responsionsabilidad en todas y a social cadénmicizabilienta activa, How do EMCS students.

Likewise, they pledge to exercise their rights and You respond to your commitments to strengthen your profession and communityThey respond to society and assume the social responsibility that falls on their professions.

Academic Law EMCS 2021
Academic Opening of Courses 2021 Mexico City District

Wearing a white coat for the first time

the Professional engagement party It is a symbolism in which students formally commit themselves to be guided by humanity, ethics and professionalism within the Health Professionals Association.

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Jorge E Valdez, Dean of EMCS, states that the white coat is associated with Kindness and putting the patient first.

“The white coat is meant to highlight humanity Of our professions, highlighting that the human being is the center of everything we do. Wear it with pride, but above all with great responsibility, pointed out.

This concert has been carried out ever since First generation of EMCS studentsSince August 2015 it has been accredited by Arnold B. Foundation. Gold To welcome new students.

What this concert seeks is to encourage the students to do so Humanity in the practice of medicine, the importance of providing a Patient care and attention Tenderly follow the guidelines based on Scientific evidence.

Academic Law EMCS 2021
Dr. Jorge Valdez, Dean of EMCS

They take their first semester as medical students

the Dr. Mark Rosenblatt, dean of the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Chicago, gave main chair For new students from EMCS Región Monterrey, Occidente and Mexico City in a hybrid way.

Being his first class in EMCS, Dr. Rosenblatt explained to the students that in this profession they will experience many emotions, but they should never forget the importance of Give priority to the patient and always strive to understand their point of view and needs.

“You are the next generation of excellent health professionals and you are going to make a huge difference in the world.” pointed out.

also , Dr. Cesar Lucio, National Director of Academic Societies at EMCS, presented to students Academic Societies owned by EMCS and the purpose of its affiliation.

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“He Learning community of teachers and students You participate in an environment where we can coexist, and we will be able to share common goals, which in this case will Serving the patient and our communityand learn from each other,” mentioned.

Academic Law EMCS 2021
Dr. Mark Rosenblatt, Dean of the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Chicago

They stress the importance of being a health professional

The law of opening the academic session is national event Where at the end, students of each EMCS district held their regional session with a message from each and every one of the Vice-Presidents and Deans, actively concluding with the Academic Societies.

Guillermo TorriThe President of the University of TecSalud and Vice President of Research at Tecnológico de Monterrey stated at the ceremony that The pandemic has emphasized the importance and role of health professions in our humanity.

“It is important to I hope for a lotBecause having big ideas, ideas that allow us to change our environment, will allow it construction better future for you and our community I finish.

Academic Law EMCS 2021
Academic Opening of 2021 Monterrey Region

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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