They sued him after dumping 220 kilograms of coins at the home of a former employee

They sued him after dumping 220 kilograms of coins at the home of a former employee

New York, New York (CNN) – There are tough bosses. Then there are the employers who throw more than 220 kilograms of fat coins into the aisle of a former employee.

The US Department of Labor filed a lawsuit late last month against a Georgia auto repair shop for violating federal labor law, after its owner retaliated against a former employee who called the agency when you didn’t receive your last paycheck.

Flatten quit his job at A OK after an argument with his boss and called the Department of Labor last January to say he owed him $915. The next day, Walker got a call from the department and said I wouldn’t pay Flaten. Hours later, he decided to pay her pennies.

Walker said in the suit, “How can you make this man realize how poor a human example he is?” “I have a lot of pennies; I’ll use them.”

Walker and Flatten did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.

In March 2021, Walker tossed coins into Flatten Pass. Then Walker posted on the store’s website.

“What started out as a ‘provocation’ of a former small-time employee who certainly received a lot of press…let’s say he might have robbed? Perhaps he killed a dog? Perhaps he killed a cat? Perhaps he was a tramp? Perhaps,” the lawsuit says.

Flatten’s girlfriend posted a video of the pennies’ installments on Instagram, which sparked outrage and sympathy from those who also dealt with the daring bosses.

Flatten told Fox 5 Atlanta that it took hours getting the pennies into his garage and he flattened the tire of his wheelbarrow.

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“By law, workers’ interaction with the United States Department of Labor is a protected activity. Workers have the right to receive information about their rights in the workplace and to receive the wages they earn without fear of harassment or intimidation.” Atlanta Department of Labor Stephen Salazar, director of the Wages and Hours District, said in a statement.

The Department of Labor is seeking $36,971 in back wages and compensation on behalf of several employees, including Flatten. An investigation found that Walker and the store retaliated and violated overtime laws by paying employees only weekly wages. The lawsuit also alleges that the store did not keep accurate records of wages.

“It doesn’t matter. He got paid, that’s all that matters,” Walker told CBS46. “She’s a filthy pigeon because she brought up the subject.”

Izer Hector

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