They will invest 840 million Sudanese pounds to improve 270 health institutions | Dina Polwart | Government of Peru | Hospitals | Peru

They will invest 840 million Sudanese pounds to improve 270 health institutions |  Dina Polwart |  Government of Peru |  Hospitals |  Peru

head of state, They announced that as part of a plan to serve ten million Peruvians, 270 would be improved In different parts of Peru’s regions, with the aim of increasing the number until the end of 2023. At the same time, he indicated that more measures will be taken for the health care of school children.

According to what the President of the Republic said It caused damage and prevented the health of the population from being guaranteed, vandalism against ambulances was condemned and medicines were banned.

In this sense, the government of Dina Bulwart will invest 840 million SP in health institutions In various regions of the country, dedicated to first-level care.

According to the chief, in the first stage, the goal is to improve 270 establishmentswhich will increase until the end of 2023.

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During the “Intergovernmental Health Meeting”, Bulwart stated that by July 2024, a health center will be implemented Moyanin Lambayeque and Health Center Hackerain Apurimac.

“No more half-built hospitals; no more ‘white elephants'”he commented.

In the meantime, he announced that work would be completed on hospitals wheel (Huánuco) f Hawari Favorite

This business, according to Bolorat, represents an investment for 578 million pounds, and 200,000 people will benefit from it.

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Similarly, the President said that progress and improvements will be made Health Advances Centerin Chimbote and Hospitals Antonio Lorenfrom Cusco, and Chalhuahuachoin Apurimac.

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The president also offered to open the doors of building hospitals Zacharias CorreaIt is Huancavelica and It is Huaraz Regional Hospital.

In addition to this, there is a project to implement a hospital for very complex surgeries in pichariTo serve the inhabitants of the valley of the rivers Apurimac, Ini and Mantaro (Frame).

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School Health

On the other hand, Dina Polwart stated that by the beginning of the 2023 academic year, the health of students will be guaranteed, noting that 2,000 schools will be operated to promote health and hygiene, as 2,000 schools will be operated to promote health and hygiene. Vaccination against COVID-19 and human papillomavirus.

In turn, he pointed out that It will ensure the supply of dietary iron supplements for 1.5 children under 3 years of age.

With regard to predictions of diseases and infections, he said that the national epidemiological surveillance networks will be improved in 25 regions, with investments amounting to 311 million pounds.

“Nothing prevents us from continuing to work for health and the nation”is over.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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