This is the reaction of the children of “Eugenio Derbez” when they learned that he will adopt new “children” Algebraic

This is the reaction of the children of “Eugenio Derbez” when they learned that he will adopt new “children”  Algebraic

Mexico City: The Derbys are known for their union, no doubt for their amazing comedy scenes on social networks, but this time something was causing them “conflict”.

It must be remembered that a few weeks ago, Eugenio Derbez gave the news that he will adopt new “kids”, each of whom will be removed from the TikTok platform.

The comedian also asked his fans to nominate their favorite TikTokers but emphasized that the number of followers does not matter if it is not the talent each one can give, which is why he invited them to share a video in which they said their reasons for this. adopted.

In light of this news, his sons Aiselin, Jose Eduardo and Fader did not sit idly and sent their “complaints” to their father about this new decision he made for the family.

Through Eugenio’s Instagram account, he shared a video in which his kids explained that before anything else, it was necessary for him to adopt them first.

“It’s very important, before you adopt someone else, that you first adopt you,” Eeselin said.

Faced with his father’s denial, José Eduardo Derbez proposes to ask his mother, Victoria Ruffo, for help, who allegedly robbed his father’s parental authority.

And what they’re looking for is that they want to “stop” being the kids of the comedians, so that they can later adopt them again. The three expressed their “jealousy” and were evident in the video.

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Before his children were safe, Eugenio preferred to let the scene laugh and let them do what they thought was best.

Within minutes the recording exceeded 160,000 views of his followers who sent their comments, some expressing affection and love for the family, while others seized the opportunity to gain the attention of Eugenio Derbez and embrace it.

On this note

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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