This was the first day of the design of the new airspace in central Mexico

This was the first day of the design of the new airspace in central Mexico

For Arely Gallardo Arteaga, the head of the Control Center in Mexico – and the first woman to hold the position – the opening of these operations was successful, “All controllers are very happy, very proud, it went very well, it was very successful. I’m so happy and I want to tell. People are ready more than before to give them safe trips. ”“ Everything is fine, ”he said in an interview.

He adds that although they are still in the observation stage about how the redesign works, there have been no mishaps or setbacks.

This new phase of Mexican aviation does not come by accident. The international context prompted Mexico to implement the system, which began in 2016 with plans to create a PBN across the country.

However, it was in 2019 when pilots, airlines and airlines shared work schedules that the merger of a new airport required speeding up implementation.

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“In this redesign, what has been done is to change the flow of inlets and exits to Mexico with continuous ascent and descent. The routes have now been defined so that the plane travels a shorter distance leading to the savings of fuel, and less polluting gases are emitted, which is beneficial to the country,” said Arely Gallardo. everybody.

But what is a PBN? “We depend on ground equipment, satellite equipment and cabin, with technology that is much better than before. All this combination is what takes us into the new technological era, what we see in the redesign,” he adds.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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