Those who received the second dose of the vaccine will be able to skip the reservation in Israel

Those who received the second dose of the vaccine will be able to skip the reservation in Israel

The head of the Coronavirus Response Department in Israel, Nahman Ash, announced, on Sunday, that those who received the second dose of the vaccine will have to wait a week after the puncture, and after that they will be able to skip confinement.

In addition, they will not have to quarantine even if they have had direct dangerous contact with an infected person. For this purpose, the Israeli government has prepared a database of all people who have been vaccinated and who will receive a certificate, a green passport, with which they will enjoy greater freedom of movement.

There were reports this Sunday of long queues at vaccination centers, since that day, those over the age of 45 have been enabled to get vaccinated. The Israeli newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” quoted Ash as saying that the goal is to get 200,000 daily vaccinations within a week.

However, she warned of the pressures facing the health system, as there are 1,200 critically ill patients, 270 of whom were connected to ventilators. Floor occupancy is 85 percent.

He said: “We have reached a record number for serious cases and as long as the numbers remain very high, we cannot end imprisonment, but rather we will have to extend it for another week.” “I hope that an extra week will be enough and important decisions can be made. We are in a battle that is costing lives and suffering,” he said.

As of Thursday, nearly 2 million people out of 9.5 million Israelis have been vaccinated, more than 25%, the highest vaccination rate in the world so far. The United Arab Emirates 17 percent, Bahrain 6 percent, the United Kingdom 5.4 percent, and the United States 3.7 percent.

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On Saturday, the Ministry of Health recorded 6,815 new infections and 33 deaths, with a total of 541,864 injuries and 3,943 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.

Aygen Marsh

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