UdeC Cups and the Unique Bonding Project at Caleta Turtle

UdeC Cups and the Unique Bonding Project at Caleta Turtle

Walking between science and culture in Caleta Turtel It is a pilot project Transfer of cultural heritage and scientific knowledge In one of Chile’s jewels in the south of the world, led by South Austral Oceanographic Research Center (Cuba) From the Department of Oceanography at the University of Concepcion (UdeC).

There, from 2022 in a new phase as Copas Coastal, the Center is progressing on a path of more than a decade of work with a research station and in contact with the Patagonian Municipal Community of the Aisne Region; The experience that has fostered and shaped is an initiative that seeks to enhance the already immeasurable value of the place, which has garnered funds since the last call for the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation’s “General Science” program.

Suggestion A will be implemented A regional public space for the dissemination and socialization of knowledge Which will be realized as a transparent tunnel inside which there is a place for broadcasting that will be built on an unused corridor, Respect the architectural identity and landscape of the sector. The walkway connects the sector of the Turtle House of Culture with the Cubas Coastal Oceanography Laboratory and the Ice-Lab Laboratory, developed by Karlsruer Institute of Technology Germany in collaboration with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and the UdeC Iola Center.

The platform is the first step to establish an environmental and tourism translation center in the municipality with the participation of the community.

Confrontation and democratization

Silvio Pantoga The Director of Copas Sur Austral emphasizes that “Pasareleando” will strive to be a space that brings together the interests of the community to understand the different aspects of their environment and thus educate them as well as visitors about the marine science publishing platform. “Copas Sur-Austral will provide the scientific knowledge developed over 13 years of research to facilitate this meeting with the participation of the residents of Caleta TurtellThe contents that will bring the project to life will address ecology, geomorphology, marine biology and oceanography, as well as bio-cultural aspects and climate change, helping to understand the value of living in Caleta Turtell, in Patagonia among ice fields, fjords, glaciers and the Baker River, the most powerful river in Chile.

For this reason, Mayor Turtle, Abel BecerraStates “Scientific knowledge will be available to everyone who goes to the tunnel. In other words, this initiative narrows the gaps in access to knowledge‘: It would allow for the further democratization of access to knowledge, which was also the hallmark of Cuba’s work in this Patagonian place.

From there it stands out social impact From the proposal to the community, visitors and tour operators. The side that adds value and raises it Contribute to tourism, especially green or sustainable Inviting you to stay longer in such an attractive place. It is that owning this space will provide an unforgettable and unique experience for the residents and travelers who arrive at the famous place. In fact, Mitzi Acevedo, The alternate and creative director of “Pasareleando”, states that the project and in general the transfer of knowledge “It is highly expected by the people and can contribute to the improvement of the local economy and the pride of the area it inhabits“.


Opinions are based on what was realized in the first visit in the framework of the project that Cuba presented to Caleta Turtel a few weeks ago with the aim of communicating its presence to various social actors, Acevedo also says that there are cases to collect the impressions and interests of society with this idea, to make them participate in the work.

In addition, various logistical tasks have been carried out for the design, construction and installation of the tunnel, with the expectation that by the end of 2022 it will be implemented and open to the public “Pasareleando”, an initiative undertaken by the Municipality of Tortel, Escuela. Commandante Luis Bravo Bravo, Chamber of Tourism and Services of the Turtell Federation of Commerce, Turtle Kayak School and Environmental Systems Research Center in Patagonia.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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