UK Archbishops urge ministers not to violate international law on Brexit | Anglicanism

The Anglican Church has publicly challenged the government’s intention to violate international law Proxy, Five archbishops from four countries in the UK together condemn the “catastrophic precedent”.

On a rare occasion, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Scotland, Wales and their colleagues Northern Ireland, Has written a joint letter saying that such action would have “enormous moral and political and legal consequences”.

The archbishops said that if the Internal Market Bill, which is to be debated by colleagues on Monday, becomes law, it will “deeply affect” relations between the four countries of the United Kingdom.

They added: “We hope this will set a catastrophic precedent. This is of great concern to all of us who feel the duty and responsibility of the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement – an international agreement on peace and stability between the United Kingdom and Ireland ”

The archbishops said the UK government was preparing to violate Northern Ireland protocol, which was conveniently agreed to leave the EU.

The letter said: “On what basis does our democracy stand if carefully negotiated terms are not respected and laws can be broken ‘legally’?”

The letter, published in the Financial Times, came after Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis made the proposal to parliament last month. Allow the government to violate international law “In a limited and specific way”.

This caused a stir, with pro-Brexit pro-Conservative Michael Howard seeking to know how the UK could criticize the behavior of Russia, China and Iran as they prepared to violate international law.

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The letter is signed Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York; Mark Strange, head of the Scottish Episcopal Church; John Davis, Archbishop of Wales; And John McDowell, Archbishop of Armageddon.

They took the “rare step of writing together because the decisions implemented in this bill will deeply affect the future of our countries and the relations between them,” their letter said.

This will result in a “completely innovative system” that has evolved slowly and through decades of careful negotiation.

We urged Archbishops to “consider this bill in light of its values ​​and principles.”

Former Brexit Minister Steve Baker responds to Archbishop’s action Told the mail He was “very disappointed that the archbishops are sowing unity and division at a time when the much-needed reconciliation in our country can be fostered.”

Another former Brexit minister, David Jones, said their comments were “beyond leaving the church.” This is a direct question of constitutional right. Again, the archbishops no doubt seem to have swallowed up every scrap of the campaign and are now raising it again. “

Welby voted in the 2016 referendum, but insisted that the outcome of the referendum be respected. Cottrell, who was crowned Archbishop of York on Sunday, said before the vote, “A vision Europe We needed a world that emphasized ours and our responsibility to each other.

Arzu Daniel

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