Unsafe public places for women in Lisospet, neighborhood by neighborhood

Unsafe public places for women in Lisospet, neighborhood by neighborhood
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A recent study by lospitalt city council, together with Urban Contour Foundation, Explores the “unresolved” public spaces in the municipality in terms of gender perspective, That is, the specific locations in the city that do not meet the needs of the population, especially a womanamong other reasons feeling insecure potential in it.

behind Belvegewhich is the hospital district in which it is located More spaces of this typeWhat are urban sites? Controversial Who else is in the city? At EL PERIÓDICO L’Hospitalet we review them neighborhood by neighborhood.

Sanvilio Can Sera (13). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” spaces featured in the report are: Plaça dels Cirerers; the plaza de lys comuneats; Jardins Square D’Antonio Machado; unmarked space between the metro Can Boixeres and Ronda de Dalt; and an unspecified area of ​​Granollers Street.

Bubella cans (3). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” places that appear in the report are: Plaza de la Bòbila; Federico Garcia Lorca Square; and an unmarked space between the municipal sports complex in Hospitall Nord and Kolblanc.

Florida Les Blanes (17). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” spaces that appear in the report are: Plaza de la Granota; Granada Square, Liberté Square, Parc de la Pau and Parc de Les Planes car park.

Colblanc La Torrassa (10). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” places that appear in the report are: Plaza Guernica; Pyrenees Square, Senia Rios Park and Plaza del Vader.

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Santa Eulalia (14). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” spaces that appear in the report are: Plaza dels Avis; Francesc Macia Square; Les Palmeres Square; Alhambra; and Colum Cannes Square.

Granvia Sud Journal (6). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” spaces appearing in the report are: Plaça dels Veïns and various unresolved spaces: Av. Vilanova; between Aprestadora and Narcís Muntoriol streets; between Av. Vilanova and Av. Gran Via; And between Av. Vilanova and CAP Gornal.

Blevage (17). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” places that appear in the report are: Jardines d’Hipàtia d’Alexandria; Miriam Alice Park; Av. Bus Station. Gran Via – Bellvitge Hospital; for TMB bus; and Av. Gran Via – Rambla Marina bus stop.

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Sanvilio Center St. Josep (17). In this neighborhood, the main “unresolved” spaces appearing in the report are: Parque de la Serp; cabana park; Xipreret park; the Plaza de la Marie de Due de Montserrat; and an unmarked space in the Parc de la Remunta.

Read all the news about Hospital de Llobregat in L’Ospitalte newspaper

Izer Hector

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