Videos: A woman managed to hatch a duck from a common supermarket egg

Videos: A woman managed to hatch a duck from a common supermarket egg


May 15, 2021 11:05 GMT

The process required a lot of work, care and maintenance, but on day 29, the chick finally hatched from its egg.

Several videos circulate on TikTok where users teach how to hatch chicks from eggs bought in supermarkets. A resident of Wales in the UK decided to try this method at home and found it really works.

After watching one of these videos, Adele Phillips purchased half a dozen duck eggs from a nearby store and incubator via Amazon. “I put the six inside and watched the incubation process on the web: I put it at 37.5 degrees and waited ten days to see if it was fertile or not; you can find out by shining a flashlight on the egg in the dark,” he commented on Bored panda. He added, “If you see veins by the tenth day of incubation, you have a fertilized egg, and to my surprise, there was one of the six!”

The process requires a lot of work, care and maintenance. Phillips had to stir the egg 3-4 times a day, spray it with water, and bring it to room temperature. He then puts it back in the incubator for several hours before repeating the process. On the 27th day, the chick started pecking the eggshell and 48 hours later, it finally came out.

The woman said that she initially intended to give it as a gift, but decided to keep it after all the invested efforts. He named him Maurice and bought him a friend.

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“Several people in the group I joined on Facebook told me that he needed a friend or he would feel very sad and lonely, so since I work all day, I got him in a pet store that sells poultry, and his name is another Duck Beryl, and now they are best friends.” .

“Now they are in a box I made with a thermal lamp. Every time Maurice sees my face, he gets really excited and starts blinking really hard. Then when I take it out, he jumps over me and starts pecking a face.” The story.

He explains that the vast majority of store-bought eggs are unfertilized, but that can sometimes happen when a male enters a flock of commercial birds that lay eggs. The Independent.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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