What are the alternatives available to address the problems of the new airspace?

What are the alternatives available to address the problems of the new airspace?

Despite the fact that 800 million pesos has been allocated in the Union spending budget to implement PBN in the urban system of three airports, there are uncertainties that have not been fully resolved, considers Pablo Casas Lea, Director of the National Research Institute for Aviation Law (INIJA)

“The redesign studies in the case of NavBlue have not been fully and formally presented,” the specialist said, referring to the Airbus subsidiary responsible for analyzing the new airspace. “They intend to do a new redesign that will integrate two other airports, but we feel that even AICM cannot handle arrival and departure road traffic without having physical operations at AIFA or in Toluca.”

In a statement issued last week, Ivalba warned that the problem was a lack of training to operate in the new airspace. For Alfredo Covarrubias, general secretary of the National Association of Air Traffic Controllers (Sinacta), there were several gaps in this particular area.

The implementation of the new procedures must be accompanied by adequate training. If, for example, you are going to deal with a new program on a non-commercial computer, the person who sold it to you should give you the instructions, ”explains the specialist. “Now imagine an aviation software, by modifying how airlines are distributed in the air, it could be That’s an annoyance.”

However, even with proper training, specialists agree that each aerodrome has its own characteristics, and it is the case of AIFA that takes care of giving pilots a little room to maneuver in the event of an emergency approach.

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They made it look like a video game. It’s fine, precise lines, when in real life pilots have to make aberrations. “The barometric values ​​are also different,” Sinakta’s secretary told the media yesterday.

Hence, although it would not be necessary to reverse the implementation of new airspace In full, reviewing it would give airlines greater certainty to operate at the airports in the Valley of Mexico’s capital region.

“When KLM, Lufthansa, Iberia or Emirates come, they will know that they will be able to fly in Mexican airspace, to AICM or another airport, because everything will be properly integrated through the PBN navigation system, which has become an international standard,” concludes Casas Lias .

Izer Hector

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