What are the world’s top 10 traditional dishes, according to Taste Atlas

What are the world’s top 10 traditional dishes, according to Taste Atlas

Peruvian ceviche, among the best dishes in the world (EFE / Sebastião Moreira)

Peruvian ceviche, among the best dishes in the world (EFE / Sebastião Moreira)

Humanity can be described by the infinite number of aspects that make it up. Without a doubt, the food It is one of them. The flavors and ingredients on the table of the world’s population, in all their diversity and special associations, are a reliable example of how people live and feel in different corners of the map. In this sense, recently, classification It is better Traditional dishes from Globalism.

This work was done by Taste Atlas, a consulting company established in Croatia that reveals the flavors of all countries through an interactive map. What are the top 10 traditional dishes in the world and what places have you eaten them Latin American cuisine?

1. Japanese curry. Also called “karo”, it is the most traditional food of the eastern country. Its arrival in Japan was made possible by the British, who arrived in the nineteenth century. It is usually supplemented with rice, pasta, onions or pickles.

Japanese curry can contain rice, onions or other ingredients (Pexels)

Japanese curry can contain rice, onions or other ingredients (Pexels)

2. Picaña from Brazil. This cut of meat, which is basically a steak, is very common on Brazilian grills. One of its most important qualities is that it can be accompanied by various appetizers such as salad or rice. The name of this dish is derived from a picana, an object used by mules to guide cattle.

3. Oysters with Bulhão Pato from Portugal. A delicious combination of clams and a sauce containing olive oil, lemon juice, cilantro, white wine and garlic. The name of this dish honors the poet Raimundo Antonio de Bolhao Pato, who died in 1912.

4. Tangbao, from China. Stuffed meat, crab or pork balls are common in the Asian country. In this case, tradition suggests that it’s cooked with yeast and, in general, it stays rolled and gelatinous. The final product is a kind of soup that can be spread on bread.

5. Guotié, from China. In this case, minced pork is arranged in a dumpling with ginger, sesame oil, and onions, among other ingredients. In China, this dish is the street food par excellence, and is usually accompanied by a sauce.

Tangbao, from China, is basically a stuffed dumpling (Getty)

Tangbao, from China, is basically a stuffed dumpling (Getty)

6. Carrie Fanning from Thailand. Flavorful and sweet, this Thai curry is stewed with beef, duck, or chicken and seasoned with dried chilies, garlic, coriander, and peanuts. The name of this setting comes from the term Panangwhich in Southeast Asia means “cross”.

7. Mixed ceviche, from Peru. This classic Latin American food doesn’t need much description. Between fish and shellfish with lime juice, avocado, coriander, red onion and hot spices, a unique flavor is achieved that is repeated in more than one country in the region.

8- Ghormeh Sabzi from Iran. Basically, a soup that combines herbs like cilantro and parsley with leeks, spinach, cabbage, and other vegetables. The idea is to achieve the spicy flavors that accompany some beans or knife-cut lamb.

Grilled chicken is another traditional Peruvian dish that was among the best in the world. (Freepik)

Grilled chicken is another traditional Peruvian dish that was among the best in the world. (Freepik)

9. Cağ kebabı from Turkey. The origins of this dish, according to historical accounts, go back to the city of Erzurum in northeastern Turkey. It is a recipe of onions and lamb cooked for over 12 hours. Later, a horizontal skewer is used to give it a final cooking in a wood fire.

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10. Peruvian roast chicken. This preparation has more than 70 years of history in the Latin American country. Generally, roast chicken is served with salad or french fries. According to figures published by Taste Atlas, about 27 million Peruvians, in a country of 33 million people, eat this dish daily.

In an order of magnitude lower, other countries of the region were also present in this gastronomic survey. to Argentinafor example, only one dish was recorded, namely Naples Milanwho remained in office 72 out of order. the Cochinita Pebble, from Mexicowas located in place 17and carnitas, from the same country, in twenty.

Milano Alla Neapolitan, from Argentina, ranked 72 (Freepik)

Milano Alla Neapolitan, from Argentina, ranked 72 (Freepik)

The list also includes the flooded cow from Brazil (20th place) and a leg from Puerto Rico (37). From the Brazilian nation she was also soup (49) and Tropero pills (fifty). Down the line, Mexican pozole back (65); and anticucho (68), ají de gallina (88) and chaufa rice (96) from Peru.

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Aygen Marsh

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