What do I do if I lose my COVID-19 vaccination card?

What do I do if I lose my COVID-19 vaccination card?

During the vaccination process against COVID-19 there is a document of prime importance: the card that shows that you have been vaccinated against the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

After you received the vaccination for the first time, you will receive a small white card indicating your full name, your date of birth, the name of the vaccine you received, the batch number, the date you received the dose, and the name of the health professional who injected you.

Also, on the back, it will indicate the date you should return for your second dose, in the case of a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Vaccination card
Vaccination card

It is important that you carry this vaccination card so that you can receive your second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

This card is also necessary if health authorities recommend a third booster dose – in the case of Pfizer or Moderna – or a second injection of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.

You will also need the so-called “vaccination passports” already in use in some countries and airlines.

But what should you do if you lose your vaccination card?

The Ministry of Health recommended that, upon obtaining your document, you take a copy of it or take a picture of it on both sides.

In case you lost it without making initial copies of the document, you should go to the vaccination center where you were vaccinated. There, you will need to present identification with your full name and provide your Social Security number to obtain a new vaccination card.

If you do not receive your COVID-19 vaccination card at your first appointment, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The CDC recommends contacting the vaccination provider where you received your doses or the Department of Health to find out how to obtain your card.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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