What does Pope Francis’ new document mean for the traditional Latin Mass?

What does Pope Francis’ new document mean for the traditional Latin Mass?

February 21, 2023 / 6:20 PM

The Vatican press office published on February 21 a.Rescribum Ex PublicIt is a document in which Pope Francis confirms two important decisions regarding the celebration of the traditional Mass in Latin, also known as the Tridentine.

The document gives an account of the audience granted by the Holy Father on February 20 to Cardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Convent of the Divine Adoration and Discipline of the Sacraments, and indicates that they spoke of “executing his judgment”. Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes On July 16, 2021.”

In his meeting with Cardinal Roch, Pope Francis decided that among the “measures specifically reserved for the Holy See” would be the use of a parish church or the establishment of a personal parish to celebrate the Eucharist according to Missale Romanum 1962″, used the Missal to celebrate the traditional Mass in Latin.

In addition, the Holy Father decided that only the Vatican has the right to grant “authorization to priests appointed after the publication of Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes to celebrate with him Missale Romanum from 1962″.

As set forth in Article 7 of the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodesThe Department of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments exercises the authority of the Holy See in the above-mentioned cases, and supervises compliance with the provisions of “.

“If a diocesan bishop grants dispensations in the two cases mentioned above, he is obliged to inform the Department of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, which will assess the individual cases,” continues the document released by the Jerusalem press office. be seen.

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he Motu proprio summorum pontificum Issued by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007, it allows priests to celebrate traditional Mass “on any day, except for Holy Trinity” without asking permission from the Holy See or local bishop.

On July 16, 2021, Pope Francis Motu Proprio Traditionis custodesAnd Restrict the celebration of the Tridentine Mass and demand permission from the local bishop and the Holy See.

How does it affect the current celebration of the Tridentine Mass?

Father Francisco Torres, an expert on liturgy from the Diocese of Plasencia (Spain), noted that the document approved by Pope Francis reaffirms “two things of all by herself Custody of traditions. The first is that the Holy See reserves the right to grant a license to celebrate in the traditional manner of Mass to priests ordained after Custody of traditions“.

Those who have been ordained before, instead Motu proprio summorum pontificum“It does not affect them,” he said.

The Spanish priest also noted that the Vatican reserves “the right to establish personal parishes or to permit the celebration of Tridentine Masses in church parishes.”

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according to Code of Canon Law“,” As a general rule, the parish should be territorial, that is, it should include all believers in a certain area. However, he adds, “when appropriate, personal parishes will be established on the basis of the rites, language, or nationality of the faithful in a region, or even for some other specific reason.”

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Father Torres explained that before the Tridentine Mass “it was possible to celebrate in any Catholic temple, but Custody of tradition He said that not in parishes, but in churches that were not cramped in the diocese.

He said that the Pope had reaffirmed these two issues of the Holy See.

Aygen Marsh

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