William Levy: The reason Marilyn Favela refused to work with the actor at Telenovela Café con aroma de mujer | TV series Telemundo | Beware the angel | Colombian soap operas | Mexico

William Levy: The reason Marilyn Favela refused to work with the actor at Telenovela Café con aroma de mujer |  TV series Telemundo |  Beware the angel |  Colombian soap operas |  Mexico

The star of “Café con aroma de mujer”, he is one of the most popular actors in recent years, due not only to his physical attractiveness, but also to his charisma and good performance in his acting career. The Cuban translator worked in several productions, among them “Cuidado con el Ángel”, a telenovela in which he worked with Maite Perroni, but initially starring Marilyn Favela.

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Be careful with the angelIt is a Mexican telenovela produced by Nathalie Lartilleux Nicaud for Televisa in 2008. It starred Maite Perroni and William Levy, and achieved success from the audience and good reviews from the audience. The Cuban actor and Mexican actress had good chemistry in front of the cameras that favored the production.

Although the audience knew this story with Mighty Peroni and William Levy As heroes, the truth is that initially Marilyn Favela was the actress who got the lead role in fiction. But the 44-year-old translator decided at the last minute not to work on “Beware of the owners.” why? She tells it herself after being silent on the subject.

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Mighty Peroni and William Levy starred in a television series called
Mighty Peroni and William Levy starred in the TV series “Careful with the Angel” (Image: Televisa)

Why did Marilyn Favela refuse to co-star in a telenovela with William Levy?

Through her YouTube channel, Marilyn Favela shares with her followers her experiences and stories that she has lived throughout her career as an actress. The celebrity also reveals some intimate details about her life and new phase as a mother.

Marilyn Favela revealed in a video posted on this platform why she refused to star in the movie Beware the Angel with William Levy. The Mexican actress spoke about this topic as a result of a question asked by a follower through her Instagram account.

Marilyn Favela got the main role in the film “Beware of the Angel” with William Levy. Everything was ready for the actors to start recording the television series, but the Mexican actress changed her mind at the last moment and decided to leave the project.

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Marilyn began explaining: “That’s right, it has already been confirmed, they have already done a photo test for me and William Levy, I already had almost everything to start recordings and there was something that did not bother me too much.”

According to the Mexican actress, the producer called her back to run some tests on the character and actress who was going to play her mother in the story.

“I believe a lot in energies and I believe a lot that when you feel like you shouldn’t be there, it is better to retire. I also believe a lot in the things that I have to fight for,” he explained to his followers.

Favela did not understand the producer’s call well because everything was already ready to start recordings of “Cuidado con el Ángel” with William Levy.

“I actually passed all the actors and all my auditions. They unanimously decided that William and I were a couple, styled a picture on my hair, painted it, and put extensions on his channel,” he continued on his YouTube channel.

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Marilyn Favela didn’t find this call very understandable and that was when she felt she didn’t want to make it into a TV series.

“I’ll never know if it was a good or bad decision, what I do know is that whoever made it was great, they made a great couple, they looked beautiful together and the novel is doing really well,” he said, referring to Mighty Peroni.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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