Wonder early in its day: How the Maya managed to make a snake descend on Chichen Itza at the appointed time in every equinox

Wonder early in its day: How the Maya managed to make a snake descend on Chichen Itza at the appointed time in every equinox
This is the origin of the Kukulcán feathered snake in Chichen Itza

Every year in the spring, hundreds of Mexicans and tourists of various nationalities congregate in the archaeological area Tyne municipality, In Yucatan, where Surrounding the steps of Chichen Itza Castle To witness the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere.

What attendees will notice is The phenomenon of light and shadow symbolizing the descent of a Kukulkan feathered snake, The Mayan god who fertilizes the earth.

(Photo: Marton Zeytina / Kartuskuru)
(Photo: Marton Zeytina / Kartuskuru)

Spread phenomenon A feathered snake Mexican archaeologist Alfredo Barrera Rubio explained to Evie that he had one of his predecessors in the 1970s, thanks to the article titled “Hierovanni in Chichen Itza” by French researcher Jacques Rivard, which was published in Catonope in 1971.

The researcher from the Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in the southeastern state of the country added, “But it did not go beyond the popular level until anthropologist Luis Aruchi announced the phenomenon (in 1974).” Yucatan.

Barrera Rubio, 2015 Yuri Knorosov Medal winner in Mérida, explained that after the announcement, Arushi created a series of books to publish The phenomenon of light and shadow and from there people started flocking to enjoy the Kukulkan descent Every March 21, which coincides with the remembrance of Benemérito de las Américas, Benito Juarez, and the vernal equinox. “

In this regard, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) reported that the vernal equinox arrived in the country yesterday around 3:58 pm.
In this regard, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) reported that the vernal equinox arrived in the country yesterday around 3:58 pm.

However, the writer and researcher noted this Visitors can observe the phenomenon two days before the vernal equinox and two days after, That 2019 was March 20th.

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In this regard, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) You reported that the spring equinox arrived in the country yesterday around 3:58 PM.

It is a global phenomenon that occurs throughout the entire Earth, and the only thing that changes is time in every country. It is called like this because when the duration of day and night occurs it has equal valueDaniel Flores Gutierrez, an academic at the Institute of Astronomy of the United Nations University in Namibia, explains.

The astronomer confirmed this thanks to the knowledge inherited by ancient civilizations today Equinox is known to be the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator. In the case of the spring, the star passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, and in September, when this phenomenon occurs again, the opposite occurs.

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