Works on the Trujillo de Placencia Bridge will restore “degraded space”

Works on the Trujillo de Placencia Bridge will restore “degraded space”

“The development of the province cannot be understood without a territorial balance, a balance between rural and urban, and we have an obligation to always act bearing in mind that of the 230 municipalities of the Cáceres province, only twelve of them have more than 5,000 inhabitants.”

Thus, this was stated by the President of the Cáceres Provincial Council, Carlos Carlos, in Plasencia, where, accompanied by the city’s mayor, Fernando Pizarro, he visited the renovation work of the Trujillo Bridge.

These works are part of the DUSI strategy “Plasencia and the environment”, co-financed by the European FEDER funds, and the Cáceres Provincial Council, and which come to complement the intervention carried out in the area to create the Eulogio González car park.

The president highlighted the importance of this intervention “which will fundamentally change the area, the area of ​​access to the city, which has been deteriorating, which will undergo a comprehensive change to accommodate public services and their use by citizens, and which, in the end, is what must drive any government action: To improve the quality of life of citizens.

Carlos Carlos stressed the importance of maintaining coordination and cooperation between the various departments, for which he worked to ensure the continuation of joint work.

In fact, it announced that it is already working on a plan to intervene in intercity highways, “roads that can already, with the development of population centers, be said to be urban, but it is the responsibility of the county council, so we are studying the same adaptation procedure to transfer road management at a later time.” to the municipalities that will become its owners”, a plan that will include Plasencia, with roads such as Malpartida de Plasencia, but also other municipalities, such as Cáceres, that have similar roads.

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Puente Trujillo environment

The areas around the Trujillo Bridge are a very busy area, an access area to Plasencia from the city of Cáceres, an enclave between the Jerte River and the Trujillo Gate that has been modified over the years.

In this area there are such emblematic elements as the ruins of Tajabor Mill, the archaeological complex of Santo Tomé, the Puerta de Trujillo or Cañón de la Salud, the wall (between the Puerta de Trujillo and No. 14 Eulogio González Street, which was launched from the outbuildings earlier) and the Trujillo Bridge .

In other words, it is a very attractive area for Placencia, in addition to these historical elements, due to its proximity to the river, just a five-minute walk from the Plaza Mayor.

With this project, it aims to evaluate the elements of the historical, environmental and landscape heritage of Placencia, giving the area value and generating an integrated work.

In this way, the degraded space will be restored to be incorporated into public use from the criteria of efficiency and environmental sustainability.

“In short – as explained by the President of the Regional Council – the aim is to create a space for all citizens, providing added value to the city of Plasencia, maintaining connection with what is there and valuing the architectural and landscape richness of the environment”.

1 – urban restructuring. A modification will be made to the existing road connecting Eulogio González Avenue with Diego de Jerez Street, in order to facilitate traffic and improve communications between the different roads.

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Trujillo Bridge will become the link between the different spaces. Two of the arches will act as a connection for road traffic, while the rest of the arches will connect the pedestrian space, both on the riverside promenade side and in the Historic Site area of ​​São Tomé.

2. River Walk Along the river walk path included in the work area, an empty space is created which is given continuity thanks to the demolition of previously described buildings.

One area of ​​the river park is connected to another under the arches of Trujillo Bridge. The sidewalk will be paved similarly to the existing sidewalk. A landscaping intervention to accentuate furniture will be implemented along the entire length of Paseo Fluvial,

3 – The Grand Platform between Tagapur Street, Elogio Gonzalez Street and Trujillo Bridge, a more spacious environment will be created after the demolition of the existing buildings, which is an open public space in the form of an amphitheater, through three platforms connected by some stands and stairs.

4. Treatment of the wall border With regard to the wall border, the green border is expected to be continued by a discontinuous pavement combining granite pebble and grass rising from the wall, resulting in a discontinuous pattern. along its entire length using different sizes of paving stones.

Similarly, lighting will be applied along Eulogio González Street embedded in the cubes of the wall, illuminating the park, the lawn and its lower part.

The cost of this work is 555,928 euros, part of the nearly five million that are given entirely to Placencia, under the DUSI strategy, 80% from Europe and 20% from the Regional Council itself.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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