Xunta protect space and hunt shells in Lake Baldeu (Carballo, A Coruña)

Xunta protect space and hunt shells in Lake Baldeu (Carballo, A Coruña)

A Korora, April 11th. (Europe Press) –

The board Confirmed that the natural intervention implemented in Lake Carballo, in A Coruña, ensures in an integrated and stable manner over time Protect the natural values ​​of this space and interests oyster strip who works in the area.

That’s what he said on Monday before Minister of Environment, Land and Housing Ángeles Vázquez, and the Minister of the Sea, Rosa Quintana, during a visit to learn about the condition of these wetlands after his procedure Regional administration to regulate its flow and ensure the connection between the inland lake and the sea, regardless of weather conditions. Xunta reported the act in a statement.

Person in charge of The environment made it clear that the intervention was necessary Because during the winter, the combined action of tides and storms ended up extensively eroding the natural barrier separating the wetlands from the shore, causing great loss to the dune environment which consequently allowed seawater to enter and deposit large amounts of sand into the lake.

As for the other negative effect that appeared as a result of the forced labor, as the minister pointed out, it was monitored in the operation of the old dam, which is It is practically unused because the accumulation of the area prevented any kind of water exchange between the lake and the sea.

For this reason, Ángeles Vázquez explained that Xunta decided to intervene, in the first place, to reduce the volume of water accumulated in the wetlands in a controlled and gradual manner, and at one stage, to improve the flow between the inland lake and the sea, a regulation that could not have been achieved naturally at the time.

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Xunta pointed out that as a result of the measures taken, an investment of more than €36,000 in which advice and cooperation were relied on from the Institute for Agricultural Biodiversity and Rural Development (IBIDER) It was successful and thanks to them it was possible to restore the usual functioning of the tides in the inland lake.

Once the initial objectives were achieved, the Minister of Environment provided the following: ‘Continuous monitoring’ of the Daewoo wetlands to ensure that the link between the inland lake and the sea remains open. The best conditions are maintained to ensure a balance between the natural values ​​of this area and the economic activity taking place in it.

Association of Oysters Fonte de Santa Helena

The Regional Secretary of the Sea also agreed for her part to highlight that the actions implemented by Xunta in Lake Baldaio are “a good example that environmental interests can be combined with those of the oyster sector, given that activity from the sector is compatible with habitat conservation”.

For this reason, he made it clear that the Galician executive will continue Working to care for the environment and protect the shellfish activity Developed by the Fonte de Santa Helena de Baldaio Oyster Association, which has multiplied by five since 2018 in both its production and turnover.

The Regional Minister of the Sea, in the presence of the president of the region’s oyster collectors, Alfredo Castro, stressed that Taking care of this space and committing to hunting missiles contributes to creating job opportunitiesgenerating wealth, revitalizing the countryside, and creating population in the environment.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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