▷ How much should they pay you if you work on May 1, 2024 in Mexico? This is what the Federal Labor Law says You pay double or triple | mix up

▷ How much should they pay you if you work on May 1, 2024 in Mexico?  This is what the Federal Labor Law says  You pay double or triple |  mix up

How much should I pay if I work on May 1? On this date we commemorate Work day Because of the protests in Chicago, USA, 1886. Moreover, it is a mandatory rest date according to the Federal Labor Code (LFT) and if your employer asks you to work on that day, the pay will be different.

On this retaliatory date, for the labor and social rights of all workers globally, mobilizations and marches are organized to demand Improvements in working conditions. During this day, banks and schools will not provide service, while businesses will operate normally.

Being May 1 An official rest day on the calendar Mexico he Prove it All workers, regardless of what day of the week it occurs, must collect their wages if they go to their workplaces, as stipulated in Article 74 of the Labor Code.

How much should they pay you for work on May 1?

According to Articles 74 and 75 of the Labor Code, workers who provide services on this day receive compensation equivalent to twice the usual daily salary, regardless of the wage corresponding to the compulsory rest:

  • Daily wage.
  • Double pay for working on a mandatory rest day.

If you're gonna do this May 1, 2024Make sure your next receipt includes your payment. For example, if the daily minimum wage is $248.93you will receive it in total $746.79but if you live in Northern Border Free ZoneThe minimum daily wage is $374.89 They have to pay you $1,124.67.

According to the legislation, if Mandatory rest day Match SundayThe employer is obligated to pay a Sunday bonus of 25% of the regular salary. This measure not only encourages respect for the weekly rest, but also protects the working well-being of employees.

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Labor Day is a mandatory rest day in Mexico, but those who work on this date are entitled to overtime pay Photo: freepik.es

What happens if I don't get paid on May 1?

Workers who do not receive double pay for working in May 1they have the option to go to Federal Prosecutor for Employment Defense (PROFEDET) Through their contact numbers: 8009117877 and 8007172942 for the entire republic.

The entity is responsible for providing legal advice and resolving the dispute in the competent court. In order to make sure that Companies Comply with the obligation to reward their employees in accordance with the law for work on holidays.

Do you pay double or triple on holiday?

This indicates Article 75 Subordinate Federal labor law: “In cases of the previous article, workers and employers determine the number of workers who must provide their services. If an agreement is not reached, it is the Permanent Conciliation Council, or the Conciliation and Arbitration Council, failing that, that will make the decision.” The workers will be obliged to provide Services and they will have the right to receive, regardless of the salary that suits them in exchange for the compulsory rest, a double salary for the service provided.”

What should I do if they force me to work 12 hours a day?

According to the Articles 5, Sections Two, Two, 58, 60, 61, 67 and 68 of Federal labor lawThe maximum working days are specified 8 hours, 7 and a half hours And 7 hours to Day, mixed and night shifts, respectively. If the day is long, they should pay you overtime.

What are the mandatory rest days for 2024?

in mexico, Holidays or vacations are considered Mandatory rest For workers, as stipulated in Article 74 of the Federal Labor Law. These days commemorate important historical and civil events for the country. Here is the official list of holidays in Mexico:

  • January 1: The new year.
  • First Monday of February: In memorial of February 5Day of the proclamation of the Mexican Constitution.
  • Third Monday of March: In memorial of March 21Birth of Benito Juarez.
  • May 1: Work day.
  • September 16: Mexico Independence Day.
  • Third Monday of November: In memorial of November 20Day of the Mexican Revolution.
  • October 1 of every six years: In memorial of Transfer of federal executive authority.
  • December 25: Christmas.
  • Election days: The days he created Federal and local election laws in order to achieve Regular elections.
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