“20vingut” Jaume Clotet in 17m2 EtHALL

“20vingut” Jaume Clotet in 17m2 EtHALL

“20vingut” proposes the exhibition of Jaume Clotet to close in 2020 and begin again in 2021 with an area of ​​17 m2 etHALL, on offer through Jan.22.

20 fingot Is the young man’s response Jaume Clot (Barcelona, ​​1994) After a year of digestion and confinement. The sample is divided into three establishments. On one side Graphics/Graphics, A series of wall compositions with drawings made since his birth, between 1994 and 2020 and masterfully framed on crumpled wrapping paper. On the other hand, IntegratedAnd the A piece of cork made from whole grain crackers. And finally Show a late joe, Video collage with aesthetics Late offers The Americans – including a close-up of “the mug” – mocking the blockage that the performance practice suffered due to the miserable situation of the past year 2020.

Cover photo: A frame from a video collage Show a belated atmosphere

Installation view of the sample 20 pieces In an area of ​​17 m2 Ital

Frame from video collage Show a belated atmosphere

17 m2 Ethal is the additional space for the Ethal Gallery that moved a few years ago from the Raval district in central Barcelona, ​​to a suburban center of contemporary art that was established several years ago in the neighboring town of Hospitalt de Llobregat, to which many of the initiatives of the cultural reference of Barcelona belong.

Dibuixets / Dibujitos, 1994-2020

The exhibition 20 fingot Recreates certain elements from Jaume Clot At La Capella in 2019, before all the bad dream begins with the pandemic. The aforementioned exhibition / performance – which took place in one day – was titled Integrated, Like the whole wheat biscuit he serves now. at IntegratedClute presented many events that were a personal treatment for laughter at the idea of ​​the art exhibition, as he revealed everything that made him shy. 20 fingot It goes a step further and acts as an audiovisual caricature of the siege that has affected art in general, but particularly practices in real time and with audiences such as performance .

Parcel, 2020

Sample installation details 20 pieces In an area of ​​17 m2 Ital

Jaume Clot Always running with the idea of ​​clipping activation, that is, to activate video collector Graphics And that the fee is active diptych. These drawings are for sale for only 20 euros.

Dibuixets / Dibujitos, 1994-2020

The artist declares himself more a joker than an artist. He says in his artistic statement without wasting: “I deliberately assume the roles of animation, agitator and puppet and invite the audience to join me in creating (comedic) action and in searching for joke. In this process the absurdity and contradictions inherent in the moment are drawn and emphasized; confronting and questioning the acting function and the role of humor in it. “.

Frame from video collage Show a belated atmosphere

Not only that, but despite his young age, Jaume Clot He is an attentive observer of current milestones, so he is interested in swapping producer and consumer roles now as they are indistinguishable from one another. Hence they are using the ideal media of the 21st century, that is, the dominant self-publishing platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, and they do so using the digital language, focusing on the increasingly familiar signs and behaviors present in them.

Installation view of the sample 20 pieces In an area of ​​17 m2 Ital

Dibuixets / Dibujitos, 1994-2020

Installation view of the sample 20 pieces In an area of ​​17 m2 Ital

The exhibition was supported by the Ethal Gallery and curator / producer / poster platform thanks for your visit.

Link to the video Show a belated atmosphere at Instagram

See also  "Festival de Artesanos", a space to celebrate and honor the work of artisans and craftsmen in the region - areacucuta.com

All photos provided by the artist © Roberto Ruiz


Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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