5 Scientific Strategies That Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19 Infection at Work and School – FireWire

5 Scientific Strategies That Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19 Infection at Work and School – FireWire

COVID is here to stay with us for a long time. But that doesn’t mean we should give up or pretend to make the life we ​​had before March 2020.

But then, if we know that the coronavirus is going to take a long time to go away, what we should do is know that there can always be a risk of infection: even if we’ve already gotten sick before, even if we’ve been vaccinated.

What we must do is everything possible to reduce the risk of this happening. What’s more, we now know that a new type of anxiety has emerged in South Africa.

Here we share with you X-science-based strategies to effectively reduce infection when you go to places where you live with other people: mainly school and work, but it can also be in places like the cinema or public transportation.

Comfortable and convenient masks

It has taken some time to fully become familiar with inhaled SARS-CoV-2, and the main route of infection is through the air.

Thus, very early in the pandemic, the efficacy of masks, face masks, chin straps, or whatever you want to call it, was discussed. But we’re not at that point anymore.

Masks are one of the most effective barriers to reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection.

But remember that it is most effective if you wear it correctly: coverage from nose to chin. It should also be well adjusted to fit your face, without gaps above the nose or cheeks.

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And since you will be using them for long periods, to go to school or the office, choose those that do not bother you: this way you will avoid taking them off, which increases your risk of infection.

indoor ventilation

The fact that the coronavirus is in the air does not mean that it circulates in the winds of cities, but rather that it can remain in the air in a closed room, if an infected person has been there for a while.

When we breathe we exhale carbon dioxide, but with that gas that comes out of our respiratory system, there are also microorganisms around us, including SARS-CoV-2.

This is why enclosed spaces such as classrooms, offices or buses with closed windows, are the places where the risk of infection increases: If someone has COVID-19, they will breathe the virus into the air, which will end up in others. breathing.

Therefore cross ventilation should be used whenever possible: open doors and windows. This makes the air circulate and the viruses do not become “stagnant”.

Use of air purifying filters

Sometimes ventilation is insufficient or even not possible. In these cases it is recommended to use air purifying filters. These work by keeping suspended particles and microorganisms in an enclosed area.

To be effective, it must be highly efficient filters, such as the so-called hiba (High Efficiency Air Particles).

Get a COVID-19 test

If you go to school or the office every day, or even if you used to go out to dinner with friends or go to the movies, it’s a good idea to get tested for COVID-19.

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It does not matter if you do not have symptoms, or you are aware of a nearby case: the tests are an effective way to identify asymptomatic or early-stage infections and this undoubtedly helps to stop the spread of infection.

get vaccinated

We know that vaccines do not completely protect against infection, but if you have been vaccinated you are less likely to get it. But if you add this to other prevention measures, you protect yourself a lot more and also contribute to protecting us all.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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