70% of the executive leadership of the Prime Minister’s party is absorbed by the state

70% of the executive leadership of the Prime Minister’s party is absorbed by the state

Like the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), the modern revolutionary party (PRM) has its own body responsible for giving guidance on the decisions and steps to be followed by the political entity that holds the executive today.

Chaired by the incumbent President Louis Abenader, the Executive Leadership of the Chinese Communist Party has 59 members, 14 more than 45 that make up the Democratic Liberation Party Political Committee. Of these 59, 41 of them hold some type of office in the Dominican State, which accounts for the equivalent of 69.49%.

Almost 70% do not include the Abenader position, because the Presidency of the Republic is an electoral one. The list ranges from ministers to consular posts in various cities abroad.

The list begins with the president of this party, José Ignacio Paliza, who heads the administrative ministry of the presidency. Below is the former Vice President of the Republic during the government of Hippolito Mejia, Milagros Ortiz Bosch, currently in charge of the Government’s Ethics and Integrity Directorate (Digeig) and an advisor to the Executive on issues of ethics, transparency and anti-corruption.

Within the executive department is also the Director of Customs, Eduardo Sanz Lovaton; Minister of Energy and Mines, Antonio Almonte, as well as Minister of Public Works and Communications, Deligne Asención.

Also on this list is Dario Castillo Lugo, who serves as Minister of Public Administration; Nelson Arroyo, Executive Director of the Dominican Institute of Communications (Endotel), and Josefa Castillo, Supervisor of Insurance.

Castillo was, in her own case, one of the officials most marked in the short period of the current administration. His remarks at Corripio Group luncheon, made at the start of this month, about the organization’s employee payroll increase and cancellations were the most noteworthy topic.

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The official said she increased the payroll for that wallet from 22 to 26 million pesos and canceled about 300 employees out of the 640 she found when she arrived at the organization and many people asked to fire them.

Other executives appointed to the executive branch include Philippe Soperve Hernandez, better known as Filito, who is the director of the Santo Domingo Canals and Sewer Company (Caasd). There is also Limber Cruz, Minister of Agriculture, and Felix Aracena Vargas, who at 72 is the General Manager of the Social Security Council.

Sarah Paulino Cardenas is another member of the organization holding the position of ambassador to Guatemala while Tony Raful is his counterpart in Italy.

The former member of the Central Electoral Council (JCE), Salvador Ramos, holds the position of Director of the National Industrial Property Office (Onapi) and Raphael Santos Badia as Director General of the Institute of Technical and Vocational Training (Infotep).

There is also the party leader, Ginalida Vásquez, who works as a minister without portfolio. Likewise, there are Minister of Interior and Police Jess Vásquez Martínez (Cho) and Minister of Economy, Planning and Development Miguel Ciara Hatton.

The list includes leaders such as Victor de Asa, Secretary-General of the Municipal League, a position he held after serving as Administrative Vice President of the Presidency, Sylvester Ventura Collado, Deputy Director of Immigration and Cesar Sidiño, Director of National Assets.

Below is the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Orlando Jorge Mira, who during the election campaign served as a political delegate of the Chinese Communist Party to the JCE and the former Mayor of the National Province, David Collado who is currently the Minister of Tourism. From the same hierarchy is the Minister of Education, Roberto Fulcar, who held the position of campaign manager for Luis Abenader.

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Franklin Garcia Fermin, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mescyt) and Jesus Ferris Iglesias, in charge of the Cabinet’s Special Projects Committee for Public Health, also appear on the Executive Department’s list.

Veteran Commander Eligio Jacques was appointed consul in New York, while interlocutor Jose Marti Biantini was appointed President of the Civil Aviation Council (JAC).

Amore Justo Duarte is an ambassador to Morocco while Sonia Guzman, daughter of the late president and leader of the PRD, Antonio Guzman, performs the same functions in Washington, DC Jacobo Fernandez is the consul in Miami.

PRM’s executive direction also includes the Comptroller General of the Republic, Luis Delgado Sanchez, and Maximo Perez Perez, Executive Director of the Dominican Diabetes Institute. Miguel Vásquez-Escoto is on the board of directors of the Dominican petroleum refinery.

The list was concluded by Fernando Doran Perez, Director of Banco Agrícola; Lord Herrera Tejeda, Director of the Presidency Office; Farouk Miguel Castillo, Ambassador of Haiti. Carolina Serata Mendes, Director General of Defense Information and Social Insurance (DIDA); Anolfo Pascual, Deputy Director of Free Zones; Margarito de Leon Castillo, Deputy Director of the National Directorate of Investigation (DNI) and Manuel Duran, Consul in Cap-Haitien.

Those that are almost

The list also includes those who are somehow related to the Dominican state in one way or another.

One of them, Ramon Alburquerque, was appointed president of the Dominican Hydroelectric Company (IGHead), but he did not accept the position because he had “been promised another position.”

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Also in attendance was the former director of CDEEE, Cesar Sanchez Torres, who claimed to have been appointed by President Abenader but “the Minister of Energy and Mines said it was not regular”.

Eddie Olivares had aspired to be the chairman of the Joint Education Committee, but was rejected by the party in the Senate of the Republic, while Vicente Sanchez Barrett is the husband of the director of the social plan for the presidency, Yadira Henriquez.

Optional offices

Another eight members of the ruling party’s highest political body are on the state payroll through electoral positions.

The first of them is President Abenader. Then there is the party’s general secretary, Carolina Mejia, who replaced Collado as mayor of the Dominican capital. Senator for Maria Trinidad Sanchez and Alexis Victoria Yep and Senator for National District Fred Raful.

Below is Jose Santana Sorrell (Vice), Alfredo Pacheco (Vice) and Jean Luis Rodriguez (Vice).

The remaining four members of the executive management were not linked at any time to any governmental position and do not hold electoral positions.

Within this group is the former President of the Republic, Hipolito Mejia; Raphael Antonio Baez Perez; Former Senator and former President of PRM, Andres Bautista and Raphael (Fafa) Taveras.

All four of them are over the age of 70.

Aygen Marsh

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