Maria Corina Machado, ready for dialogue to achieve political transformation in Venezuela

Maria Corina Machado, ready for dialogue to achieve political transformation in Venezuela

Maria Corina Machado takes part in a campaign event on Friday in San Cristobal, Venezuela. EFE / Mario Caicedo

Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado has confirmed her readiness to advance the negotiation process with Chavismo, with guarantees for the parties, to achieve a political transition with justice in Venezuela.

Although he did not speculate on Maduro's reasons for talking to the United States, he said that what matters is the results.

We have been very clear, insistent and frank in everything we have said, in our willingness to move forward in the negotiation process with guarantees for the parties and that there is justice in Venezuela, which is what the country aspires to.“, He said.

during Interview with Colombian newspaper El TiempoHe insisted on adhering to the Barbados agreement and holding fair presidential elections on July 28, warning that Maduro could not stay in power “the hard way.”

I consider it There are sectors in the Venezuelan regime that could contribute to a stable and peaceful transition process..

“Within the system, there are more and more voices approaching us and telling us that they want to understand what the future will be like for them in the transitional scenario.”He expressed.

And confirmed that They receive voices that want to understand the future for them in a transitional scenario.and to confirm their readiness to open their arms and receive them with respect.

Maria Corina Machado, the political hurricane that Nicolás Maduro fears most in Venezuela | Time

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Aygen Marsh

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