A Honduran consortium will invest $120 million in the Omoa seaport

A Honduran consortium will invest 0 million in the Omoa seaport

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Omoa Mayor Cortes Ricardo Alvarado welcomed Mr New marine station to be built in that city. However, he expressed their disagreement with the acquittal of the project.

the National Congress (CN) Approved a decree to establish a modern port marine terminal بحرية cruise shipsAnd shipsAnd merchant, NS cabotage In the port of Amoa with investment Honduras 120 million dollars (2800 million liras).

It is estimated that in the first phase, investors will create more than 2,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Read also: Congress approves concession contract for cruise ship mooring in Omoa

Investment from the private sector exceeds 120 million dollars.

The project has been in the pipeline since 2013 and they hope to attract marine tourism to it Umu.


Alvarado said, “This project opens the door for investment to a municipality Umu“.

“It’s a project we all yearn for, we’ve always wanted to have a port here in Oumua, not to mention tourism and coastal amusement,” he commented.

“I think this is best project There have been centuries of the municipality’s existence, but there is one thing we have to make clear: We are agreeing to invest $120 million because these people work is what they need most,” he said.

“But there is an article inside what National Senate We agreed that we do not agree that exonere of all payments taxesPrices and services,” he said.

According to the authorities, what is granted are the tax benefits that the consortium receives as an investment incentive and stipulated in the Law for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, Decree 51-2011, especially without being exclusive, with regard to what is provided for in Articles 32, 33, 34, 35 and 40, 41 and 42 of them.

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The mayor asks that it’s not an exonerated project

“I think this is out of step with reality, because this investment in what will only benefit the Omua municipality in employment,” said the Mayor of Oumua.

“That is why we ask the fathers of the country, our friends and our representatives to review this contract well,” he said.

“We want an example of Puerto CortesWhich eventually brought in up to 4% of the income. Every municipality needs development, but development comes equitably.”

“In this coastal salty wharf we agree on a thousand per thousand as long as it benefits the municipality. At this time I do not know how much Municipal In the event of tax collection, because we will do so according to the tax plan and municipal law.”

“I think it would be a fairly solid bonus because it’s a high investment, but I repeat that we agree, we welcome the project in the port of Oumua,” he emphasized.

“The only point is that if they would investment But it is private, it is their duty to pay taxes to the municipality, but if it happens disavow This means that we will only be watching, as observers only, nothing more,” he said.

He suggested, “In fact, we did not hold any meeting with them, and we are waiting for them to reach an agreement, and it was necessary to formulate a joint agreement on the basis of law.”

a contract

The concession contract was for a period of 25 years of the concession and the project was accompanied by the National Investment Council.

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CNI works in cooperation with the Honduran Council of Private Enterprises (Cohep); Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); USAID and the National Chamber of Tourism of Honduras (Canatora).

For Liberal MP Mauricio Velida, “The establishment of a modern naval station in Omoa will be the direct responsibility of Puerto de Cortes.”

The Port of Puerto Cortes is the largest port in Central America and is operated by another private group called Obrada Puerto Cortes Centro Americana (OPC).

Aygen Marsh

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