A motorcycle taxi driver is intervened to perform reckless maneuvers in the space of the bike lane

A motorcycle taxi driver is intervened to perform reckless maneuvers in the space of the bike lane

In the Huaikou district of Traboto

Agents from the Tarapoto Police Station and employees of the city’s Serenazgo intervened yesterday morning on a motorcycle taxi driver, who was found performing reckless maneuvers inside the space designated for the bike lane in the Ricardo Palma neighborhood of the Huaico neighborhood. When the motorist was discovered, he made a quick escape, however, the intervention was made.

The intrusive motorcycle taxi driver was identified as 32-year-old Harold Romero Tabulima, who was arrested when the escape occurred on the fourth block of Shabaga and was immediately taken to Tarapoto Police Station, where he was placed at the disposal of the Transit Department, which Its agents analyze the origin of the car and the corresponding penalties.
According to witnesses, Romero Tabolima impacted some poles in the bike lane, and at all times he ignored them to stop, for violating traffic rules. He was inserted six blocks from where he would have performed reckless maneuvers in the destination space for bicycle carriage.
When the police officers arrived at Tarapoto Police Station, they checked Romero Tabolima’s moving car and realized that the chassis and engine numbers were not visible, which is why they are investigating the origin of the car, as there is a suspicion that it will be of dubious origin. (Kareena Roncal)

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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