A thousand students from Almeria in the women’s science and technology program in BETA

A thousand students from Almeria in the women’s science and technology program in BETA

For the fourth year in a row, the Science and Technology Park of Almeria, PITA organized the Women’s Science and Technology Program implemented in 19 member parks of the Consortium of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE). In all, about a thousand students from twelve district centers attended one of the nine sessions held that received the intervention of scientists and technicians from companies in the park.

The programme, aimed at students 1 to 3 of ESO, includes hands-on workshops, a visit to the ‘Women Who Changed the World’ exhibition, participation in a national competition and submission of photo guides with examples from STEM studies professionals. “What do I want to be when I grow up?” and “What are disruptive technologies?” The project also encouraged all students to participate in the “Innovative Proposals for Sustainable Development Challenges” competition, and to send proposals that science and technology parks can implement to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) raised by the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Scientists and technologists have had the opportunity to share their experiences with students in person. Alba Perez of Technova participated in this edition; Margherita Martinez from Hispatique; Ana Garcia from Seed4i; Francesca del Valle de Kendril; Lola Navarro of Ingenia Solar Energy; Ainoa Morillas and Silvia Villaro of the University of Almeria; Ana Aris, Maria Jose Robles, Ana Isabel Romera and Marie Carmen Amado of Viewnext; Andrea Martinez de Villemorene; and Alicia Canadas de Beta.

As for the workshops, given by Remedios Fernandez on disruptive techniques; Juan Francisco Sanjuan, Pilar Martinez and Marcos Lupion, UAL Programming and Activity Control Engineers at “smarthomes”; Maria del Mar Castilla and Ángeles Hoyo, both engineers of UAL in the field of robotics and its impact on social challenges; and Francisco Urena and Antonio Sanchez on the blockchain.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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