According to science, you’re smart if you don’t like a lot of people

According to science, you’re smart if you don’t like a lot of people

A study about intelligenceShared on the site Psychology Todayreveals an interesting fact related to social interactions.

Is that, to see if someone Intelligent Just look at how many people he likes. And also, how many people like him.

This research focused on a group of teens, showing that the smarter the students, the more liked they were among their peers. On the contrary, they showed another feeling towards the rest.

Most intelligent people have shown that they are comfortable only with those of the same level, leaving aside the “less intelligent”.

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The students’ relationships were followed for a year, with the goal of seeing if something had changed because they came to know each other better. And although the smart ones lost “popularity”, nothing has changed regarding the more fortunate and their preferences.

This first study, which opens the door to new research in this regard, appears to explain why smarter people often feel lonely.

be clever

An intelligent person, by definition, is someone who has a higher than average IQ. IQ is a measure used to measure intelligence.

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This is determined by a test in which the average content is 100 points.

Intelligent Characteristics

They are open to new ideas and opportunities.

They are flexible and adaptable.

-They have a lot of self-control.

-They are very curious.

They understand that they don’t know everything.

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They read and learn a lot.

They enjoy being alone.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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