Advances in science and technology continue

Advances in science and technology continue

Opening / Valley
Mexico City

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Victor Villalobos Arambula, has already participated in the National Research and Innovation Meetings in Livestock, Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture – Fisheries 2021, which contribute to the development of science and technology for this field.

Science is a profitable investment, said Luis Angel Rodriguez del Bosque, who is in charge of the Office of General Guidance for the National Institute of Forestry, Research in Agriculture and Livestock (Inifap), because for every pesos invested in this institution, an economic spillover into rural Mexico is worth 50 pesos.

The Minister of Science and Technology of Mexico emphasized that the development of science and technology in Mexico does not stop, even in difficult situations such as the pandemic, in encouraging innovations in food production, raw materials and the preservation of natural resources for the benefit of producers and society. Agriculture and Rural Development, Victor Villalobos Arambola.

wide cooperation
He commented that scientific developments, technological developments and innovation proposals in the field of primary production in Mexico and the world continue to progress, with extensive institutional cooperation.

He said during his virtual participation in the national meetings for research and innovation in livestock, agriculture, forestry and forestry. Acucola-Pesquera 2021.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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