Advantages of co-working spaces

Advantages of co-working spaces

Starting a business is not always easy, because in addition to developing an excellent idea, in many cases, a well-located physical space is required for self-confidence, which implies greater expenses.

Currently, there are already options offering well-located office sharing at easily accessible rates, such as co-working which is co-working spaces where freelancers, companies, remote workers or start-ups share square meters and both physical and virtual resources, to develop their professional projects Independently.


According to companies like TechHub and Coworkingfy, among the main advantages these types of spaces have:

1- Reducing expenses. According to Coworkingfy, one of the main difficulties for entrepreneurs is finding a place to settle down. For small and medium-sized businesses, working through a joint business is more achievable than setting up a private office.

“Coworkings offers several types of offices that you can rent depending on your needs. Depending on the membership you agree to, you will have a fully equipped office for your team. And you won’t have to deal with all the costs (rent, paying supplies, etc.) and the logistics of setting up your own office. So one of the advantages of co-working is that it offers the best way to work in an office with minimal investment and cost savings.”

2. Coexistence. While working from home has been a good option, there are projects that require feedback from co-workers or even other entrepreneurs who understand the environment in which you find yourself.

“Coworking spaces are full of people, some related to our profession and some, not so much. However, you can receive advice, help, new ideas and access to shared knowledge,” Coworkingfy points out.

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3. The site. On many occasions, the office space is part of the brand, and a good location is synonymous with a unified and successful entity, TechHub explains.

“If you are starting a new venture, you will have to accurately identify every small investment and where you set up your office may be affected. Thanks to co-working spaces, this problem has an easy solution. Spaces are usually located in related areas, and this is one of the strengths when offering their services. “.

4. Services included. Renting a place means realizing that the water, electricity and electricity are uninterrupted, as well as cleaning, coffee for the staff, good internet, meeting rooms, etc. In co-working, it is the company that chooses the services it requires to operate, which can vary every day. Either by the day, by the hour, or by the month.

5. Flexibility. Flexibility is one of the five directions most sought after by professionals and one of the advantages of co-working is that it offers it in two directions.

“First, the flexible schedule. Not being dependent on strict arrival and departure times is a huge burden that we have to get rid of. Unlike in traditional offices, in co-workers there are no ties to schedules “they point out.

The other flexibility is related to the lease. While in most offices the leases are usually for more than one year; In joint action there are various forms of membership. The most common is for a month.”

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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