After most hockey players in the Florida game suffered from Covit-19 disease, the indoor sport could potentially become a supremacist event, CDC.

After most hockey players in the Florida game suffered from Covit-19 disease, the indoor sport could potentially become a supremacist event, CDC.

That means indoor sports could turn into supersonic events, the researchers said in a weekly report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The game was played on an iceberg in Tampa on June 16, and the next day, a player, considered an index patient, experienced symptoms of Govt-19, including fever, cough, sore throat and headache. Two days later, he tested positive for the virus, according to the Florida Department of Health.

There were 11 players on each team, all men, aged 19 to 53, and six and five people were on the bench in the snow at any given time during the game, the researchers said. Each group shared separate locker rooms, usually 60 minutes before and 20 minutes after the game, and no one wore cloth masks to control disease.

The updated CDC guideline acknowledges that the corona virus can spread through the air

“Within five days of completion of the game, 15 individuals experienced signs and symptoms compatible with the 2019 corona virus disease; 13 out of 15 patients had a positive laboratory test result, indicating the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19.” The researchers wrote. Two of the sick individuals were not examined.

Although 62% of players experience Govt-19 symptoms, there are no ice referees, or no spectators on the stand.

The ice ring is well suited for the Covid-19 transmission

Ice hockey involves excessive breathing during exercise and intense physical activity in frequent contact with players.

“The ice ring provides an environment conducive to COVID-19 transmission as an indoor environment in which deep breathing occurs, and individuals are closer to each other,” the researchers noted.

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More than one player may have been infected during the game, the researchers acknowledged, but they believe the index was the only source of transmission when the patient was asymptomatic.

According to the CVC, the average incubation time of Covid-19 is four to five days after onset of symptoms and two to 14 days.

& # 39;  Super Spreader & # 39;?

The analysis was limited because not all players were tested for the virus and asymptomatic infections were not identified.

“Indoor space and close contact between players during a hockey game increases the risk of infection for players and creates the potential for a superspeeder event, especially with the current social COVID-19 transmission,” the study concluded.

“The ice ring provides an ideal environment for COVID-19 transmission as an indoor environment where deep breathing occurs, and individuals are closer to each other,” they added.

Scattered information about Govt-19 is spreading at sporting events

There are some published studies or reports on the Covit-19 transmission related to specific sports games or practices, which, in addition to being reported in the news, are not covered by the CDC.

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In New Hampshire, 158 residents associated with 23 different ice hockey teams or organizations have been diagnosed with Govt-19 disease in the past two months, state epidemiologist Dr Benjamin Chan said Thursday. Of the 158 cases, 117 were linked to separate explosions, 41 not related to a specific eruption, but they were linked to ice hockey, Chan said. “Hockey is one of the most risky activities where we have seen considerable spread,” Chan added.

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People believed to have been infected with the corona virus through contact with hockey have exposed others to at least 24 different K-12 schools in the state, he said, adding that the risk of exposure to the game spreads to other facilities and companies.

On Thursday, New Hampshire government Chris Sununu ordered a halt to all snow activity in indoor facilities for the next two weeks.

Other possible SuperSpreader events

Includes other documented cases of a supersonic event A choir in Washington Of the 122 members of the Skid Valley Sorel last spring, 53 were infected with the virus and two died after attending two rehearsals in March.
“The act of singing may have contributed to the spread by the emission of aerosols, which is affected by the noise of the noise,” the report on the event said. CDC found.
One of the few public health professionals Rose Garden Festival At the White House in late September, after dozens of people attended the event, including President Donald Trump and members of his executive, a superspeeder event after the deal was struck, it is unclear where the president first fell victim.

The coronavirus has also spread through meat processing plants and has been linked to an explosion involving 57 participants in a high-intensity fitness dance class in South Korea.

Jennifer Henderson contributed to this report.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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