After threats, Feria Espacio Metepec 2021 has been suspended

After threats, Feria Espacio Metepec 2021 has been suspended

after, after Threats by group of organized crimeorganizers Metepec Aerospace Expo 2021 They decided lay off the event.

The above was detailed in a statement, where it was noted that people who purchased tickets will be fully refunded as of November 15th.

We have decided to end the event called Feria Espacio Metepec 2021, for. The situation we have seen so far,” Diamante said in a statement.

“We care about the integrity and safety of everyone: the press, artists, staff and workers who worked with us on this event,” the letter added.

Is Espacio Metepec 2021 cancelled????

Everyone’s safety first

thank you all!

see you soon
Diamond Company MG

Posted by Metepec space 2021 employment Saturday 6 November 2021

On Friday morning, intimidation letters appeared in Metepec against the event organizing company and towards the artists, allegedly signed by members of La Familia Michoacana. This caused singer Pancho Baraza to suspend his show.

In the afternoon, Mexico State Police arrested people who allegedly hung tarps after an operation.

The person who attended is the La Adictva squad, however, their bus was attacked by bullets hours later when they were at peak Eldorado booth Toward Atlacomulco Municipality.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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