Aimee Garcia Reveals The Unusual Connection Between Her Lucifer and MODOK Characters – Exclusive

Aimee Garcia Reveals The Unusual Connection Between Her Lucifer and MODOK Characters – Exclusive

By all accounts, it may not seem like the new Hulu arrangement “Wonder’s MODOK” shares much for all intents and purpose with the hit Netflix show “Lucifer.” The previous is a grown-up energized stop-movement program about an egomaniacal supervillain’s everyday life, while the last follows Satan himself as he tackles violations in current Los Angeles. Yet, one thing they do share practically speaking is entertainer Aimee Garcia, who stars in both arrangement. In “Wonder’s MODOK,” she voices the nominal reprobate’s significant other Jodie, who needs to seek after another way throughout everyday life except sees MODOK’s numerous deficiencies as a hindrance. In “Lucifer,” she depicts measurable researcher Ella Lopez, whose dorky engage frequently brings entertainment.

Past that free association, Garcia accepts the two characters share something different for all intents and purpose. With both arrangement presently streaming — Season 1 of “Wonder’s MODOK” is currently accessible by means of Hulu, while the second 50% of “Lucifer” Season 5 premieres May 28 on Netflix — Garcia talked with Looper to ponder the uncommon association between her “Lucifer” and “MODOK” characters.

At face esteem, Aimee Garcia sees her “Lucifer” and “MODOK” characters as total inverses. “Ella is so brimming with light and a major love bug — a gigantic hugger and a Pollyanna,” she said of her “Lucifer” character. “She’s nonjudgmental and curious and sees the best in people, and everyone is her normal best friend until showed something different. In the interim, Jodie begins the primary period of ‘MODOK’ as the voice of reason, the caring spouse, the mother, and out of nowhere she becomes, as I would see it, a more awful supervillain than MODOK. So I don’t actually see similarities…”

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All things considered, after burrowing further, Garcia tracks down an extraordinary association between the two characters, one that is gradually helping change the essence of TV. “In their own specific manner, they are the two pioneers,” says Garcia. “With Jodie being a started Latina character in the Marvel Universe and a free lady who discovers her profession further down the road after she’s become a mother. In movement, I don’t think we see that frequently. And afterward Ella is one of only a handful few ladies of shading in STEM on TV, and I’m simply so glad to address a Latina researcher. What’s more, at one point she was, I think, the solitary Latina researcher character out of the 200 or more shows on the air at that point, which boggles my psyche. So I believe they’re both, in their own specific manner, pioneers … besides in various ways.”

The primary period of “Wonder’s MODOK” is as of now spilling on Hulu.


Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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