Alejandro Cello: “We cannot live in a space where there is no freedom for self-expression” | Radical extremism of Buenos Aires from the chest

Alejandro Cello: “We cannot live in a space where there is no freedom for self-expression” |  Radical extremism of Buenos Aires from the chest

The radical senator from the Seventh Electoral Division, Alejandro Cellillo, has expressed the dissatisfaction of some sectors of his party with the decision-making within the opposition coalition. In the midst of the regional discussion, he spoke with Buenos Aires 12 and acknowledged the “Together for Change” criticism of the lack of existing information on the implementation of the 2022 budget, which makes it impossible to analyze the expenditures and investments bill for 2023.

– What is the analysis of the internal elections at the end of the week?

– Shows the dynamism acquired by the radical. It is an internal election where there was not a lot of participation expected and this reflects a strong support for our line in Adelante Buenos Aires, with 100 regions in the hands of this force, showing support for the character of Maximiliano Abad and Facundo Manes.

– Do the results guide the candidacy of Abad for the post of governor?

– Abad is a former candidate for governor based on his merit, due to his career and his own weight. He is the principal architect of the current strength of Buenos Aires’ radicalism.

—What is the UCR’s perspective for 2023?

– We, as extremism, have regained strength and presence. Nobody is trying to break the space, but we want to define within the Together for Change agreement, a new way of distributing forces. We made a good choice at PASO 2021. We are a party that keeps organized and we want that to be visible in the space.

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“Do you think this has never happened before?”

– We don’t want to relive the 2015 bug. At the time, if the good professional had obviously won the internal bug, it didn’t open the doors inside the space and I think it ended up hurting the management. We want recognition.

-what kind?

“In every way. – Consultation, presence in the formation of the decision-making table, participation in the development of joint government plans, with a distributed presence. Be more of a hero.

– Do you think it is possible to have a fierce intern today in PRO?

We, as a party, have the mechanisms for arranging ourselves on our side. They will have to avoid damaging the space to select their candidates and the power relationship with partners.

– How did you deal with the criticism directed at Facundo Manes after his statements about Mauricio Macri?

– I think at that moment the PRO overreacted and acted a bit. We cannot live together in a place where there is no freedom of self-expression. If there is one thing that democracy has restored, it is the possibility of self-expression. One can agree or disagree, but there can be no spirit of censorship.

– What is your assessment of the 2023 budget presented by the government of Axel Kiselov?

– Initially, the budget was tied to the nation’s budget, and the nation’s budget was questionable by all parties. But the budget must be understood in terms of tweezers. With potential inflation of 60 percent, we failed to do so. On the other hand, we have no information on the second and third quarters of the provincial executions. What do you want money for?

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Is this lack of information common?

—Only in the year of the epidemic, Bianco attended. There was no secrecy that exists today.

“Why is this happening today?”

Because it is a government that does not want to be held accountable

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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