Anti-Díaz-Canel posters appear in Matanzas after the most intense day of protests in 17 months

Anti-Díaz-Canel posters appear in Matanzas after the most intense day of protests in 17 months

Huge poster against the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel I woke up painted this Monday in Matanzas yet An intense day of protests took place on Sunday, March 17 (17 months ago).

Image sent to CyberCuba An anonymous collaborator showed off the massive graffiti that was painted on the famous Playa del Tenes wall on the bridge in the city of Matanzas.

CiberCuba / Courtesy of the author

Cuban civil society activists painted “Díaz Canel Singao” on the wall. Other emblems appear to have been erased or redrawn by police and other oppressive Cuban regimes.

The event occurred during the early hours of Monday, just hours after a mass protest was confirmed in the town of Cárdenas in Matanzas, where residents of the town took to the streets to protest by banging pots and pans, thus joining the demonstrations that broke out. Which took place on Sunday in several cities in Cuba.

Posters against the First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) usually appear in Cuba during times of great popular unrest, generally associated with power outages, widespread food shortages, and unjust repression.

In mid-September 2023, an anti-Díaz-Canel poster was drawn in Palma Soriano (Santiago de Cuba), Under the slogan “Save the country”.

The sign, accompanied by the phrase “Canel Singao”, was written 15 hours after a power outage in the eastern city. The wall where it was painted was in front of the shepherd's house Lorenzo Rosales Fajardowas punished with seven years of freedom for his participation in Historic 11J protests in Cuba.

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This measure is in addition to other measures that were implemented against the regime It has since spread across the country, despite strict sentences imposed on the banner owners by Cuban courts.

Among these cases is the case of a political prisoner Jorge Luis Boada ValdesWhat the Cuban regime asks 15 years imprisonment for writing “Díaz Canel Singao” on the walls of Havana.

Aygen Marsh

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