AREA XXI and Berkley, the last entities invited to the Espacio Inade

AREA XXI and Berkley, the last entities invited to the Espacio Inade

Inade . Foundation Celebrate a new day from left space In which two entities from the insurance sector participated. One of them was Twenty-first district Led by the managing partner, Santiago Rosemarywho explained how to risk management tool To help companies manage their risks

his partner Anna AlvarezResponsible for Operational Projects, he took the initiative to give a hands-on demonstration of how this application works, which allows for a risk mapping simply by answering a 12-question questionnaire.

Finally, Jesus Maria Ansonresponsible for the technologies, detailed the AREA XXI service model, as well as the three business methods of the available insurance distributors.

Berkeley Spain is another guest

The other entity invited was Berkeley, Spain, represented by Hector de la Huertaresponsible for the financial lines and professional civil liability, who talked about how to manage risk Personal responsibility of public administrations.

“People who hold a position as an authority or employees in the service of public administrations personally bear the legal responsibilities arising from the exercise of their functions,” de la Huerta explained, adding: “And compensation may be claimed from them for damages.”

According to the person in charge of Financial Lines and Professional CR in Berkley Spain, there are Different types of exposure to risks Depending on the person involved and the functions performed. However, areas of risk can be divided into four categories: “the risk of being claimed by the public administration, the risk of being investigated and claimed by a court of accounts and other supervisory body, the risk of being claimed by the citizen and the risk of being claimed by colleagues or dependent individuals.”

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risk management Personal Commercial Register of OfficialsThe expert recommends transferring it to the insurance sector.

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