At least two people were killed in a Russian bombing of a residential building in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk

At least two people were killed in a Russian bombing of a residential building in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk
Apartment building destroyed by Russian missiles (Presidential Press Service of Ukraine / Posted via Reuters)

at least Two people died Wed at a Russian bombing of an apartment building in Kramatorsk, In eastern Ukraine, the authorities of this country reported.

“Two hours ago, the Russian occupiers hit a residential building in the city center with a missile,” the region’s governor, Pavlo Kirilenko, said in a telegram.

“Rescue teams, security forces and municipal services are working at the scene,” he added, explaining that the number of casualties may rise.

news agency France Press agency opinion two bodies at the scene while rescue teams cleared the rubble.

Kramatorsk is located in the region Donetskwhich with Luhansk forms the mining basin of Donbass, which has been controlled by pro-Russian separatists since 2014.

Russia, which invaded Ukraine at the end of February 2022, wants full control of the region.

Apartment building destroyed by Russian missiles (Presidential Press Service of Ukraine / Posted via Reuters)
Apartment building destroyed by Russian missiles (Presidential Press Service of Ukraine / Posted via Reuters)

In September, Moscow announced the annexation of four Ukrainian regions, including Luhansk and Donetsk.

president of ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyclaimed Long range missiles To deal with attacks by the Russians, such as those in the Donetsk region today.

Stopping this Russian terrorism will be possible if we can provide enough missile forces for our army. So that terrorists do not feel impunity, ”stressed Zelensky in his usual last-minute speech.

The Ukrainian president argued that “Ukraine needs long-range missiles, in particular, to eliminate the possibility of the occupier placing its missile launchers somewhere far from the front line and destroying Ukrainian cities with them.”

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On Saturday, at 9:15 local time, the Russian army launched a missile attack on the town kostiantinivkain the Donetsk region, which left three dead and fourteen wounded, according to statements by the Ukrainian president himself.

Use the enemy S-300 missiles. in the residential sector. So far, there are 17 names on the list of casualties: 14 wounded and three dead. My condolences to family and friends.”

According to Zelensky, Russian missiles hit four apartment buildings in Kostyantinivka.

Unfortunately, this bombing is a daily occurrence in our territory, and the Russian army arrives with such missiles. Donbass, Kharkiv Oblast, the south of the country,” he said.

As of today, Moscow controls about 20% of Ukrainian territory recognized by the international community; Including the eastern region of the country and the Crimea. In keeping with this state of affairs, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asserts that Kyiv’s goal is the complete liberation of Ukrainian lands, including Crimea, as a condition for starting any peace talks with Russia.

(with information from AFP and EFE)

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Aygen Marsh

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