At this McDonald’s restaurant they apologize to their customers because no one wants to work

At this McDonald’s restaurant they apologize to their customers because no one wants to work

No one can deny that The coronavirus pandemic has brought with it a serious economic crisis, Because the restrictions and health recommendations came to reduce the economic flow in the vast majority of companies, many of which were forced to close permanently.

Concerned about the plight of millions of people in the United States, the government launched a program consisting of In delivery Stimulus assays To help the residents, which brought many advantages but also some disadvantages.

One of the problems with the stimulus checks that some business owners have reported is that people are not interested in returning to work because they are receiving money provided by the government.

On this topic, recently A video clip was recorded inside a McDonald’s store in the US, forcing a sign at its entrance to apologize to its customers for not having enough employees to serve them quickly.

“We are understaffed. Be patient with the employees who are present (to work). Nobody wants to work anymore, ”you can read on the yellow sign posted at this McDonald’s restaurant.

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You all, we have a McDonald’s Savage AF

♬ Oh no no no – Falcon Music

The video has already exceeded a million copies and many users have expressed their solidarity with McDonald’s employees, and called on all customers to be sick; Others also indicated that it was a labor reflection of many restaurants today.

Several media outlets indicated that despite the fact that some companies have returned to relative normalcy due to restrictions due to the epidemic, many restaurants are having problems recruiting employees, so many places have had to close because they cannot find people who want to that. For work, as many prefer to continue receiving financial aid from the government.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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