Banco Macro opens the Selecta space in Reconquista.

Banco Macro opens the Selecta space in Reconquista.

Through the new business, the Reconquista branch of Calle General Obligado 967 will operate on the ground floor with personal interest in individual banking, while the exclusive space for Macro Selecta and Banca Empresas will be developed on the upper floor.

The new service center features a functional and modern design according to the current needs of Santa Fe residents.

It has state of the art equipment distributed in two modern offices with differential service for Macro Selecta customers.

The developed area of ​​725 square meters provides privacy and comfort when conducting transactions and dealing with the financial institution.

In this sense, Banco Macro’s regional director, Luis Coluccioni, indicated that the bank provides space and picking interest, adding that it is a more functional and modern space, “a suitable place for them to feel comfortable,” he said.

He explained that clients would receive a personalized treatment, and insisted on the idea that this space would provide more privacy and comfort for clients.

The banking authority later clarified that “the bank is investing in the cities it wants to be close to. It is an important investment. There are 60 jobs for the bank”. It later said that investments are made permanently in updating and changing ATMs.

He assured that Reconquista has two branches, one for companies and the other for individuals. “We know it is a thriving city, and the idea is to attract more customers, and we trust the bank’s customers, so we want to provide these services to the Reconquista. Community,” he analyzed.

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Reconquista TODAY toured the new facilities opened by the Banco Macro Reconquista subsidiary.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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